Checking in with the boys ( and gals,perhaps)

  • Hey fellas.... Aaron here coming to you live from the heart of the wild and wonderful country known as Afghanistan where I will be enjoying an all expense paid ( and paid ) 365 day visit full of all kinds of adventures and surprises !

    I live in downtown Kabul in a compound known offically as 'New Kabul Compound' but known more affectionately as the 'Puzzle Palace' or as me and my team refer to it, "Raccoon City", courtesy of the Resident Evil franchise. Living conditions aren't really all that bad. I've had much worse. We don't have quite all the amenities that some of the much bigger FOB's have but ,hey, you can only go to The Green Bean so many times,anyway.

    Got to wear a lot of hats while I'm heredue to the impending drawdown. So I'm the US Forces-Afghanistan Provost Marshal's program manager over the Customs program. That's shit being imported not how to be polite and courteous. Also direct the personal security team for various General's and such, direct the force protection team for our compound here, and provide law enforcement over sight for our force protection team at NKC. Was advised today that I am also supposed to liason and work with the various counter-narco agencies operating here. So, if this next year creeps by it's nobody else's fault but mine.

    Anyway, good to see everybody is alive and kicking and that I was able to access this site from my office. :)


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