Is it me or have the fish moved to deeper water?

  • I haven't gone out in a few weeks but I have noticed over the last few dives that the heat hasn't been much help for shore diving. Friends that have gone out recently aren't seeing many fish either but the boats are doing well. Is it time to find a cold thermacline?

  • I would have agreed but Gerald and dove the lauderdale area on saturday, an old spot I used to dive a lot. And it was very very fishy. Lots of life. More, in fact, than I had seen here in a while

    Not so much shootable, but still assuring amounts of life

    i like to spear fish

  • The fish hace gone deep here as well. Well below 100'. Your best bet is to go at the crack of dawn or just before sunset.

  • The fish hace gone deep here as well. Well below 100'. Your best bet is to go at the crack of dawn or just before sunset.

    Makes sense to go during the cooler times of the day.

    I figured that the angling always got better during the summer and I assumed that the spearfishing would to but if the fish are going deep that is going to make things harder.

  • They still need to feed...they will come up to shallower water to feed on baitfish at night.

    The other day we got in a spot that actually had a warmer water layer (warmer than the surface water) at about 40-50'. It was miserable diving through it. The fish were holding deeper than 100...very slow day. Chumming wouldnt even get the fish up. Surface temp was 84

  • If I get some time I may head for the water tomorrow. Hopefully the fish will want to cooperate.

    Sounds like a tough dive John. Did you try to catch any fish on hook and line? I wonder if they would bite since they wouldn't rise for chum?

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