Striped, calico, spotted and sand bass regulation changes?

  • I have heard from a few sources that Striped bass will be open to take by spearfishing and Bow and Arrow. I have also read that calico, spotted and sand bass minimum size has gone up to 14 inches from 12. I can not seem to find the resources backing these changes up on the CA DFG website. Is this a regulation that has changed or will change this next year? I looked at California Department of Fish and Game under the In-Season Ocean Fishing Regulation Changes for 2012-2013 and 2012-2013 Ocean Sport Fishing Regulations but nothing is indicating any changes. Thanks.

  • I believe these topics were discussed at the last commission meeting, and most likely will not be put into effect until the 2013-2014 regulations are released, if not later.

  • That's what I thought but the crew on a cattle boat I was on yesterday where throwing back the under 14 inch bass (Kelp, Sand and spotted). After fishing on the cattle boats it made me realize how much I enjoy spearfishing so much more.

  • If the in-season reg changes or the 2011-2012 sportfishing regs say you can take 12 inch bass, you can take 12 in bass. Sounds like the sporties were wrong. Too bad...

  • Its actually kind of sad. They where keeping rockfish that where 6 inches but releasing the under 14 over 12 bass. I guess it makes the fish count look good but I wasn't happy about it. More then half the day was spent chasing perch. Did see a lot of dolphins which was cool.

  • I am pretty stoked they are opening this species up to spearing. I have only seen them a handful of times here on the central coast, but it will be nice to have a powerful game species to hunt close
    to home.

  • That's what I thought but the crew on a cattle boat I was on yesterday where throwing back the under 14 inch bass (Kelp, Sand and spotted). After fishing on the cattle boats it made me realize how much I enjoy spearfishing so much more.

    Could be the boat rules and not DFG regs? Lots of concern about those fisheries in recent years.

  • Could be the boat rules and not DFG regs? Lots of concern about those fisheries in recent years.

    Maybe but I doubt it. I was throwing back small rock fish and they wanted me to keep them. We spent most of the day catching perch. I assume the fish count is what they are after.

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