Has anyone heard what happened at the meeting yesterday regarding game fish definition changes for Permit and Cobia. Looking for an update.
Thanks, Mark
Any updates on FL Permit/Cobia-game fish meeting?
We won. Read from post #7 http://www.spearfishingplanet.…013-not-good-spearos.html
Thanks Dan and AWESOME!
Is this meeting archived online anywhere? Link?
This was the first time I attended an FWC meeting, and one thing I took away from it - they listen and are swayed by the public speakers. All it takes to give input is to sign up at the meeting, and you are given 3 minutes to talk. We had roughly 10 people there from the dive community, and we were 3 for 3 on the issues we came to "defend".
While some of you in Montana and Southern Cal might find it a little more difficult to attend, I encourage anyone that is going to be impacted by any future proposals to go and give your input. It makes a difference.
Thanks for going Matt.
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