Shell Inlays-Hiding the Lead

  • Here is my first attempt at working with AB shell. I ordered the shell pieces and jewelers saw online (can't remember where from). I used Black MOP, Gold MOP, White MOP shell to complete the inlays. I was in the process of building a new gun for Baja (the last one became a hand-me-down), and decided since I was building a Baja gun, it might as well have my favorite fish (and likely target) on it as well. The gun is a 57" Paduk enclosed track shooting 3x 5/8 bands. I could have just covered the lead with wood plugs or something similar, but know how the Jacks love BLING. The gun took just over 4oz of lead to make for even ballast/balance. I think it looks pretty decent for a first timer....and this cuda couldn't stop staring at the Yellowtails on the sides while I was looking for wahoo. Lucky bugger got to see the gun fire it's first time. :thumbsup2:

    "Whiskey don't make liars, it just makes fools. So, I didn't mean to say it, but I meant what I said."
    -James McMurtry

  • There is one Yellowtail on each side (3.5" long) and the shield on the bottom of the gun. More lead is hidden under the handle frame as well.

    "Whiskey don't make liars, it just makes fools. So, I didn't mean to say it, but I meant what I said."
    -James McMurtry

  • That looks fantastic, just be careful of the dust when cutting the ab shell - its worse than asbestos!

    Nice work - any pics of the entire gun? :cool2:

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