Brand new to this.

  • Hey guys,

    Ive just discovered spear fishing, and i am very excited to get into this sport. in the past, I have been an avid on-shore fisherman, but i look forward to the transition to open water. I am located in San Diego, Ca. Area. As i mentioned earlier, BRAND NEW to this and im looking for any information for a beginner i can get. Really stoked to be here and i cant wait to get this new hobby started. Thanks in advance for any information you can send my way.

  • Welcome buddy. There is a great club in SD called San Diego Freedivers.
    The net is a helpful place up to a point...find some one to mentor/dive with in your area.

    Do you surf or do other water sports?

    Cheers, Don

    "Great mother ocean brought forth all life, it is my eternal home'' Don Berry from Blue Water Hunters.

    Spearfishing Store the freediving and spearfishing equipment specialists.

  • Don,
    Yes i love the water, i surf on occasion, as well lots of swimming (open ocean). Ill look into that club in SD. Thanks for the info and suggestion.


  • Welcome Justin. :thumbsup2:

    "Whiskey don't make liars, it just makes fools. So, I didn't mean to say it, but I meant what I said."
    -James McMurtry

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