
  • Good morning! So I have been out of the water for two months and im sick of it. I find myself reading thru old threads on here every day and trying to progress mentally. One thing that comes up often but no one ever goes into much detail about is breathe up technique. I even tried using the search function to no avail. So I would like to hear what you all do as a routine. What constitutes a "GOOD" breathe up?

  • Inhale slowly, 7-10 seconds in, and exhale slowly, 7-10 seconds out. Pause for a few seconds when full and empty lungs. I do this for a minute or more.

    Relax.....everything......your grip, your shoulders....your eyelids.

    Then I take about 3-4 deep breaths in succession and go. Sometimes I pack, sometimes not.

    You can practice the technique sitting on your couch at home. But the most important part....reeellaaaaxxx

  • Thanks hank. That sounds pretty similar to what I do now. However I haven't been able to totally relax in the water yet due to a sinking problem on my breathe ups. I just have on board shorts tho. haven't dove in a wetsuit yet or weights. Im hoping that when I get my wetsuit on Wednesday, I can get the weighting figured out so I can be a little more buoyant on the top to improve my breathe up.

  • If I'm diving shallow water and using more weights i have the same problem. When I exhale I'll sink enough to get water in my snorkel, especially if it's a bit choppy. I just time it and as I'm nearing the bottom of the exhale, I give a gentle fin stroke to keep me up.

    You sink with no weights? lean and mean badehh. haha. But yes, a wetsuit will help that.

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