Off the Beach…6/29

  • Kayaked off the beach for a solo free dive. Sea was flat and warm (rash guard temp) with a strong current to the North.

    Paddled to GPS numbers I had not been to before and the place turned out to be fishy with a lot of 8 to 12 inch fish. Scouted around and got lucky when a grouper decided to investigate who was chilling out in his territory. Made a bad shot (don’t know how to stop the Rob Allen 100cm from shooting high) and had to leave him on the bottom because he wasn’t hurt bad. Pulled out my hole gun from the yak and finished him off.

    Lesson learned…I had let out a lot of reel line when I left the grouper on the bottom. When I came back, the gun could not be located. Fortunately, I knew approximately where to look in relation to the anchored yak and there was the gun being pulled underwater by the strong current. From now on, I’ll be using a float line.

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