Poured epoxy speargun tracks

  • I have a question for all the gun makers in here.
    I have been trying to find an Alternative for graphite since I am trying to make a multicolored dyed track. So saying that I have decided to choose Teflon powder which is white.
    Would it work like graphite or would it not work for what I am trying to do?

  • What epoxy product are you using?

    West systems has a pdf on their website showing what and how much to use to get many different colors out of the epoxy.

    Personally, I like using graphite due to the properties in it that make it also a lubricant.

    Whatever you use, clear it with the epoxy manufacturer and run tests beforehand. I have seen people attempt to use analine dyes with epoxy. It mixes and sets fine but becomes Very fragile and brittle. Not what you want from your track.

  • You might go to knife building supplies site and look for for epoxy die. We used to use it in white and black,not sure if other colors are now available. The die does not effect the epoxy strength and is easy to work with. Hope this applies to your question.

  • I would guess that Teflon powder would be a very bad additive. Teflon is very non reactive and I could think the epoxy would have a difficult time bonding to it. Most epoxies already struggle bonding to plastics and teflon is known for it's non stick properties. Graphite gets its lubricant properties in a very different way. My guess would be that if you used the teflon it would probably cure ok but would be very brittle and maybe even crumble.

    As mentioned you will get the best information from the epoxy manufacturer and your own tests. There is a company KAP spearguns that I found through instagram that seems to be having a lot of success with colored epoxy tracks. I'm not sure how forth coming they will be with their methods but you might ask.

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