Spearfishing contradictions

  • Please check out the website home page. I added some new details; background audio, a video and spearfishing poem. I think each in it's own way represents well one of my perceptions of spearfishing. As I was putting it all together it struck me how different the components are, in my mind they didn't fit harmoniously together.

    The video is of a difficult fish recovery. It reminds of the many times when spearfishing just seems like hard work, a problem situation that requires an intelligent approach and some muscle to solve. I enjoy this when I'm successful and can't remember ever having given up on a situation. The Bluewater hunters poem by contrast is something that I can identify with when I'm contemplating the big picture and our place in all this. I believe it to be true but certainly there's no room for that kind of thought when one is actually in the water, concentrating on all the variables of diving and hunting. The audio seems to go go well with the poem, sort of conducive to meditation. However the sound of waves isn't exactly what we hear when diving, it is a sound that is associated with being on land. What are the sounds of spearfishing anyways? LOL thunkk!! (speargun discharge) vooobooboom.. (escaping grouper) and that phonetically impossible to rebroduce sound of an approaching boat :grimreeper:

    I know some guys don't think twice about the spiritual aspect of taking a life. Someone who spearfishes commercially would be a typical representative of this group. On the other extreme you have the shark hugger types. Be one with the sea etc. etc. I don't feel I belong exclusively to either camp. I think one way is insensitive beyond my comprehension, and those who follow the other are in for a rude awakening. The bottom line is that today the ocean is not our element. We can't survive in it for long without returning to land.

    But I do sort of understand both and find it confusing at times. This is when I find Hemingway's style to be a good compromise. He sort of says I gotta do what I gotta do. It pains me sometimes, I don't understand why and maybe never will. But here I am and I will not give up.

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