Posts by Hookinfish

    You have the original gopro with the bubble lens? If that's the case yes the flat lens is what you need. I had the same issue a while back.
    gopro hero low light help
    Using a medium view instead of the wide will also help fish look a little closer.
    Congrats on the first lobster!

    Yeah I have the original gopro. I will have to pickup a new water housing it sounds like and maybe shoot in 720 instead of the 960. Possibly a filter depending on situations it sounds like too. Thanks for posting that link up. :)

    Went out with Trace for a morning dive and managed to get a calico, sheephead, mackeral and some sugarbass. Trace and I decided to head in when I said lets hunt the shallows and maybe grab a lobster. Well I managed my first legal lobster freediving. Its been a long time coming. I seem to only get shorts but this was a great day on the water with beautiful clear water and a variety of fish. Turned the fish into a mixed pot of ceviche and then broiled the lobster in a ginger, chili, garlic butter. I got half the dive on video and thought I would share.*

    I am curious how I can get the fish to look larger. Its hard to see things. I have the gopro hero with a head mount. Would the flat lens water housing help with that?

    On another note I also put the lobster in the microwave trick that i read about on NHT's website on youtube it really works. I added the lobster leg meat to my ceviche as a topping. YUM YUM!

    Now that's a new one for me, trumpet fish!

    Yeah. I wish I had a picture of how we prepared it. It was one of the biggest ones I have ever seen. The body was about as round as my forearm and it was 5 feet long. Big silver one. If I remember right we steaked it out and BBQed it.

    Another weird fish I've had was trumpet fish while I was in Kauai. We where throwing net and caught a really big one. They are super slimey but the meat was white flakey and firm. We where very suprised at how tasty it was.

    Kona use to be the gold coast with all the yellow tangs. I remember diving at Kealakekua and there always was a ton of fish now even though its a protected bay there are hardly any fish. The aquarium collectors are bleaching the coral to stun the fish and net them and destroying the reefs. Its really sad. :(

    moved my comment to not hijack the other thread.

    We were talking about this the other day regarding trigger fish. In the Carribean they are hunted and taste great. Out here in a Hawaii nobody I know shoots them. I got one and tried it out here. It was alright but didn't seem to be any where near as good as the ones I ate in the Carribean. Anybody else have similar expierences?

    I wonder if the Hawaiian ocenanic triggers out by the bouys would taste any different? I know I have eaten the hoggies (black trigger fish that grunt when you catch them) and we would skin them with pliers or cook them whole. They were not bad but not what I ate while in Cancun, that I really enjoyed.

    I always enjoyed eating papio but uhu it depended on how it was cooked. Sometime uhu is too mushy. Like perch in California it can be mushy but if you cook it for a little longer the meat firms up and is moist and flaky. I always wanted to try it with mayo, green onion, and lap chong just never had it that way.

    Also everyone talks about vermillion in California as outstanding table fare. I remember we caught some and ate it the same day and it was super rubbery. Same thing happened to me with sculpin which is supposed to be amazing as well. My favorite reef fish are sheephead and calico. For some reason sheephead get a bad rap. But maybe I just had some weird vermillion and sculpin?

    I think sometimes its like aku and otado some of the best sashimi but nobody likes to admit that they eat skipjack. lol

    Then again some people will not eat jack rabbit but hare is a delicacy in Europe. I love eating jack rabbit but I wonder if the name makes people think about their food differently?

    Hey all. I've been laying in a hospital bed for a few days now. I've got several small blood clots in my left lung. I guess they call it a pulmonary embolism.
    Have any of you experienced this? The doc here said he'll have to look into it but says he suspects I won't be able to dive for 3-6 months.
    I'm going to find a dive doctor to consult if I make it out of this.
    just wondering if you all had any good news for me.

    I assume they have you on leg squeezers to prevent DVT if you are not up and around often. Your legs are also checked via ultrasound to make sure there are no other clots. Many patients are given anticoagulants to prevent the PE from getting larger so that the body can phagocitos the clots. One of the dangerous things that you and your medical team will need to look out for is internal bleeding if you are on anticoagulants. Take things slow and easy. Do not hesitate to get checked up at the ER when you are out if your not feeling right, dizziness, swell, bruising etc. Heal up quickly the fish will just be bigger the longer you wait to get in the water. :)

    Clean the octopus off with a cup or 2 of salt then boil in light beer till the kin starts to peel off. Rub your knife on the octopus to remove the dark skin. Chop it up and make poke with it.You can also skewer it into bight size chunks and sear it with butter. YUM!:thumbsup2:

    I usually count 6 or 7. Depends on if I am fighting kelp or not. Without kelp its much easier to get to depth. I believe this is dependent on fin types, buoyancy, and general fitness too.

    I run a 5 mil wetsuit with 20 pounds on my waist. I am neutral at 20 feet.

    My depth is estimated as I do not have a watch determining it.