Yeah, I know..un guajiro helped me out with it.
Posts by SporaScrub
I got these new Spetton footpockets for Christmas. I want to reshape the top part *slightly*. I was thinking of putting them in boiling/hot water and then adjusting the shape while they cool. Perhaps this would change the molded shape a little.
Any knowledge on this?
I know it's been a long time since this post but yes it does work. There was an email I got from FII (martin's) and in the newsletter, reshaping footpockets in boiling water was the tip of the month. I tried it on a set of sporasub h.dessault foot pockets and it worked for me.
Thanks Dan, I've had several house projects and several other things that kept me away from spearfishing for quite a while. I'm going to start heading down to the keys for the weekends soon, so hopefully I'll be back to spearfishing and posting reports in the next couple of weeks.
Thanks guys, I was the one that asked Jeff if he had a camera mount for pneumatics. If the Asso is 40mm then my Sten should be the same as the clamp used on the knee loader works on both guns.
Sweet black rolo WTG :thumbsup2: The viz looked great for a day with mostly overcast weather.
I think the bottle shown on the bottom right hand side of the screen was a clear indication of how "smart" he was feeling at the moment :drink2: + :idea2: = :imok:
What's up alan? you never mentioned anything about going out on a ski
"hey ovang, wanna sell the cat and buy another ski" :laughing3:
Predicting viz here is like predicting lotto numbers. There is just no rhyme or reason. We thought for sure we would get decent viz on Saturday, particularly after it was fairly clear the top 30' on Tuesday and it was laying low for the remainder of the week leading up to Saturday. On Saturday, despite going out in peak high tide, we found crappy viz. There is just no way of predicting ground swells and incoming thermoclines that only bring brown water with it. That is compounded with The Army of Engineers still releasing fresh water from Lake O through the estauries and via the St. Lucie River and Inlets. The stream up here is alot further off shore than it is down south. We can go out 7 miles and still be in less than 100'.
:0 I thought it was like Pompano, which had the gulf stream close to shore.
WTG Rolo :thumbsup2:
I would of thought the viz would of been at it's best this weekend but I guess it wasn't that great off of PSL. -
that's the guy that has a picture with cher out in key west, right?
You specified small pneumatics but I think that all pneumatics are not faster to load than a band gun as is evident in your video Especially if you factor in the time of taking out the loader from wherever your have it stashed and then replacing it.
It is also interesting to note that pneumatics have the potential of firing as you're loading them, this is not possible with band guns. Also the shaft release mechanism on a pneumatic is less secure than a wood gun with a stainless steel mech. It's much more sensitive and can release if the gun sustains an impact. Wear on the pneumatic release mech is not evident unless you take apart the gun.
This is only true when the small set screw in back of the trigger is tampered with. That's where you adjust the sensitivity on the trigger, otherwise the gun wouldn't have a reason why to fire from an impact.
I've had my gun go off from impacts and it was due to messing with the set screw.
I also have had my gun go off while loading and it was because the line release was staying in the fired position, keeping the trigger pressed back.
Nice fish Marco, WTG :thumbsup2:
Welcome to the forum Harry :thumbsup5::thumbdown1: Muzzle heavy!When you buy band material in bulk it costs next to nothing to make your own bands. This way you can control the power on the gun for your needs with diameter and length. Much easier to replace than taking the pneumatic apart and recharging it after. Any deterioration in the bands is visible so you know it's time to replace.A properly powered band gun has very little recoil. If you want to increase power without recoil just increase the mass of the gun. Can you use a pneumatic to hunt 300lb tuna?Not in my experience as I described in one of my previous posts.What can be easier than a couple of screws to attach to a wood gun?Wouldn't be much point to it if it didn't have that considering all the other disadvantages :DWhy would you need to add something to an already perfect weapon :laughing:
porque es mulato?
WTG Marco :thumbsup2: Nice muttons and Dogs
The best knife I've ever had is the Dexter Russel "Tiger Edge". It cuts EVERYTHING, from shark (or trigger fish) skin to snapper bones. And doesn't need to be sharpened, never!
If you have the chance to get one, go for it.
It's not the nicest fillet knife but it does it's job pretty good.Is this the knife your talking about..?
Ma imbecil todavia es el de la camara, el tipo (o tipa) ve el chiquito con la pistola y sigue como si na!
Felicidades :thumbsup2: Nice cube! Those Rapala knife's are good and pretty expensive $60+