Posts by gerald

    Man, I wish I could just feed my dog raw meat. Most animal protein I give him, he can't stand. Don't get me wrong, he loves eating it, but he breaks out, and will scratch his face so much that he'll bleed around the eyes, and looses his hair on his face.... The exception seems to be fish...

    Yeah, very deceptive name. Great dogs. Very loyal and energetic and loves the ocean also. The very similar to border collies, but w/o tail and long coat. Although in Europe they all have their tails as docking of tails isn't allowed in many places I believe...

    Gerald, no wonder vuilbaard wouldn't translate from French. I figured baard means beard so vuil has to mean dirty. I love that name, I find it so appropriate for the dog.

    You are right. Those fuckers are pretty shaggy looking.

    My dog figured out how to open regular door pretty fast. He would keep going into my bedroom while I wasn't home, and just chill in my bed all day. Then I changed the handle from a regular rectangular one to one of the those slippery round knobs. It took him a bit longer, but he figured that one out also. Now I put a little hook about 6 feet from the ground and leave the door cracked open. I'd like to see him figured that out...

    The history of Flanders or Vlaanderen(Dutch) is a colorful one, but its basically the most northern province of Belgium where Dutch still is the official language, bordering the Netherlands. At times it has been under French rule, but then again what part of Europe hasn't. ;) The name vuilbaard you mentioned is a Dutch name. But anyway, all literature that I've ever read about the bouvier suggested it was Belgian, not French.

    As for the insurance, they can be pretty temperamental and have a bad rep for biting people(hyped I believe), which translates into higher premiums. I was bitten by one when I was a kid, and from a kids perspective they are big bad monsters...


    The Bouvier des flandres is a Belgian dog, don't let the French name fool you.

    Very popular in Europe, but a bitch when it comes to insurance...

    The place I was talking about is small and is very far south. I did a search and turns out I was wrong. I knew the place was Patagonia but the language is Welsh

    Cool fact to know. I love all those little know facts. They might seem useless, but they give you a good sense of history and at times help you understand the complicated situations and conflicts that are currently happening in the world. It's always good, in my eyes, to look beyond one's own borders and history. Whether it is through travel or reading foreign media. A different perspective helps a lot....

    Very interesting. Do these names have meanings in dutch? From the little bit of history I know the English, Spanish, Portuguese and Dutch were the main competitors for this continent. I'm not %100 sure but I remember there are some isolated areas far south in south America where only dutch is spoken.

    Sorry to have hi-jacked the thread btw, but I guess this is where my national pride get the best of me...

    They are phonetic bastardizations of Dutch cities more than anything

    Brooklyn = Breukelen
    Flushing = Vlissingen
    Harlem = Haarlem
    Staten Island = Staten eiland (Island of the states)
    Stuyvesant was the Govenor of New Netherland at its prime and mostly responsible for it flourishing trade and peace treaties with the local Indians.

    You are sort of right, that would be Suriname. Although not far in south in South America. They gained independence in the 70's but Dutch is still the official language. Check the attached map, it shows where the Dutch, a tiny nation, had solid colonial interests in the world. Pretty impressive, I think.

    Yup, it is. Brooklyn, Flushing, Stuyvesant and Staten Island all came from Dutch also... They just never protected that particular colony properly and had to give it up after the 2nd Anglo Dutch war in 1667. They They were forced to trade New Netherland as it was called for Suriname.... I guess you can say they got the short end of the stick... This country could have been a lot different if they would have had the resources dedicated to it like they did to indonesia for example....

    hi gerald,ja ik spreek nederlans ,ik won in nederland al 10 jar of meer .schriven vind ik minder .war kom jij vandam.i hope you understand what i wrote,and yes i know i can not spel ja ja ja.

    Hahaha, you write like my wife, but I know exactly what you're saying. :) I was born in Leiden, lived in Haarlem until my mid teens and then moved to Curaçao with my parents, who are still there... Writing Dutch is hard, even I have a hard time, and you'd probably laugh if you'd hear me speak Dutch as I have an Antilliaans accent.

    You must hate not getting in any good diving. I'd get to depressed living there.

    hi.i live in amsterdam now for a few years and every new person that wants to come and live and work here have to learn dutch.i have a colombian babysiter who has to go back to colombia study dutch there and take a test in the dutch embacy if she does not pas it she can not come to live in is a bit much but there are many people living here for many year who know non or very littel dutch.

    Zo, spreek jij wel Nederlands? Of heb je dat niet geleerd?

    Dutch is pretty useless unless you're in Belgium, Suriname, a handful of little islands in the caribbean, run into some of the old timers in Indonesia or don;t speak English in South Africa. That said, it has given me a good base to learn other languages, and because of a lot of the harsh sounds we make, we have little problems with pronunciation of other languages... In school there, French and German are mandatory subjects, at least until a certain grade. I think you can't graduate w/o english at all...