Posts by gerald

    Now a quick question just for my curiosity?. Have you used carbonfiber fins before this trip?. Was it scuba or freediving?

    It was just freediving 5-90ft. I grew up diving those waters, and had hoped to visit a few spots from the past on the north shore to take some shark pics. Unfortunately it was way to rough to dive there, or take the boat to Klein Curaçao...

    I had used a slightly stiffer blade before in the pool, and this time around used the softest blade Dan had. It worked very well for my style of diving

    Thought somebody might know a top-secret Latin American or Carribean cure unknown to North American society .

    Well, not really unknown to US society, and would be problematic in your line of work, but a doobie of the indica variety will do the trick...

    Try to aim for the eye or the gills. I believe nurse sharks are more likely to display this kind of behavior. Other sharks are reluctant to even let you get close whereas nurses don't seem to care, never mind withstanding repeated pokes.

    It definitely seems like nurse sharks are less sensitive on the head than any other shark I've encounter. I wonder because of all the prowling under ledges and in cracks looking for and extracting prey, if they've developed a tougher, less sensitive head. Every other species I've forcefully poked, got the message after a good poke on the nose or forehead. I try not hurt them to much, and won't go for a debilitating jab until I feel my life is threatened.

    ...slip on the powerhead and get ready to pop him.

    You know, when I was relatively new to spearfishing and I found out about Tito's affordable powerheads, I bought a whole bunch, thinking I'd be using them on a regular basis. However, in reality I've never felt threatened enough to feel compelled to slip one on. The few occasion where I did feel threatened, I simply didn't have the chance to slip it on, as the shark caught me totally by surprise.

    It seems like on most occasions as soon as they know they've lost the element of surprise, they aren't as brave and keep a bigger distance. Although his tends to change when they are in a pack or fresh fish is involved, but even then its not guaranteed. I shot a yellowjack of the back of a bullshark during Nationals a few years ago, it was a spine shot that sent the fish in a vibrator like dance with blood gushing from its gills. I had been dreading this scenario, but to my surprise, the shark didn't even turn around to look at me. Just leisurely swam along. Go figure...

    I've witnessed several sharks get shot, but I am of the opinion that more than likely a jab with a shaft would have deterred the shark just fine. I think that if you're in the water, and a shark shows up whose behavior you don't like, you should move spots, not pre-emptively kill it when it make an inquisitive close pass. Often people mistake curiosity for aggression. In most cases people have plenty of time to get on the boat. Anyways, I'm not a shark hugger, but I respect them, a respect they have definitely earned.

    I've been in a similar situation a few year back, but unfortunately didn't have a boat to retreat to.

    We were about 1/2 a mile from shore and had more about a dozens large aggressive reef sharks continuously trying to make a move while my dive buddy and I carefully swam bak to shore. We got bumped and scraped a bit, but never bitten. They followed us back until the water got to shallow for them... The scariest part was in the surfzone, where the bubbles of the waves would make any attempt at spotting them impossible. Surprisingly, after the initial shock of being rushed by so many sharks, my heart rate recovered quickly, and in back to back formation it was relative easy to defend our selves, even though the 2 of us had only one gun...

    Dan, you are confusing the catalyst here. It is not all the water and hunting. Its the fact you're on a boat with a bunch of dudes, and all you talk about is ass the whole trip. Of course you want to bury a bone in the old lady when you get home... ;)

    EMil, I like to say I plugged the barrel, but its been so long... I never had it flood though, and have taken it down 80ft. The muzzle pin never used to move either, but it seems some super glue or the like should fix that. I'm glad to see someone is using that gun...


    Thanks to all for the kind words. I used a RA vecta 120cm that has had a hammerhead muzzle installed after market. The gun belongs to JC and is his pet rig.

    Hahaha, that is MY gun! JC has been borrowing it for the last year and a half. Oh, and it's a 115cm... ;)

    Buena pesca Emilito!


    Dan, some days I can easily cruise eighty, especially after 2 days or so in the water... Its all about being comfortable and getting a rhythm going. When I was diving a tournament in La Paz last year, I dove 6 days straight. By the last day I was pulling dives that were over 2:30 min, and 90ft didn't seem deep any more. After not having been diving in a few months like now, there is no way I can do it...