Yes. Most red grouper have a few. Just cut or pick them out.
Posts by Chuckd
Dan i am interested in one just to see for myself what all the hype is about.Exactly!!! Impossible.
C -
First thank you for sharing the videos Marco.
I think you're too good to demonstrate anything conclusive about the performance of the roller gun, as close as you got to those fish you could've shot them with a pole spear.
An interesting video would be loading that gun to get it ready for action as quickly as you can.
The real question is after a couple more dive trips using the roller and getting your curiosity satisfied, will it become your go to gun?
I exclusively shot 2 of my rollerguns during Nationals. How fast do you want to reload Dan? I can reload my roller top and bottom as fast as you load 2 bands. I can load just the top faster for small fish. But again, I usually do at least a 1:30 breath up. Plenty of time to reload.
And my 57" roller with your holeless band is a cannon. It shoots all the way thru most of the fish I've shot. Even 15-20' away. Seriously.
There wasn't a lot of time for picture taking.
Thanks guys.
I had a great day shooting, the fish were cooperative, and the home field advantage was huge.C
Congrets Charles. i don't know if the site is ''anti tournament '' but as long as guys are freediving, and the catch is well taken care of and consumed, I personalty have no issues. I know these National meets are run within the fishing and spearing laws of the host state.
Were you using the silver ones?
Cheers, Don
Yes, the silver bands. Too strong possibly.
C -
I know this site is generally 'anti-Spearfishing-tournaments'. But I thought I'd share that my team just won Nationals out of Tarpon Springs. I dove with Ritchie Zacker and Kevin Sakuda. It was my first time shooting Nationals, and possibly my last. I figured we had a chance with home field advantage.
I shot all 14 of my fish with 2 of my 57" rollerguns. On one I used Speardiver holeless bands. They are so powerful, I never even loaded the bottom loading pin.
I placed 3rd individual against 50+ of the best tournament spearos in the country. So therefore, rollerguns are the best! The End.
I'd take the oral Benadryl every 8 hours.
And I'd continue to apply topical hydrocortisone cream.
If it blisters, I'd probably also apply a triple antibiotic ointment to prevent a superimposed Staph or MRSA infection.
That sponge sounds like the culprit.
I believe it could be a lionfish sting from a little guy. They hide on the undersurface of rock outcroppings. No visible puncture wound anywhere?
I would take 25mg oral Benadryl before bedtime. It would have helped more if taken sooner. I keep a few pulls in my drybag.
And apply hydrocortisone cream 2-3 times a day.
Can you see any spines/needles with a magnifying glass?
I love my Beuchats
The holeless band material. This is amazing. Thanks Dan for the bands. I'm going to use them this weekend. The fact that water intrusion is a thing of the past!!
Speardiver No Hole Speargun Band Rubber
Of course the roller gun is right up there.
As a boat, never. Even in crappy vis we manage a few fish.
Myself on the boat, maybe once or twice. I rarely go out if I think/know the vis sucks.
Gotta be for GR!
--22" band-2" wishbone - 22" band - 3" wishbone --
Basically a loop. I use 5/8" bands.
You guys are insatiable. Charlie goes out of his way to settle the argument and it's not enough. If floppers bother you for a penetration test then take the floppers off, build the guns yourselves and test again. But it will not change the results.
Charlie, I admire the spirit with which you approached this whole endeavor. I'd like to thank you for the effort with a pair new Speardiver Platinum no hole rubber bands. Just let me know the length and diameter 14mm or 16mm. Keep in mind they're more powerful than the conventional bands with a hole so as not to overpower your gun.
Huh, are you serious? How do you tie in the wishbones? Does that mean no water intrusion? That would be nice.
Can you make a set for my roller gun?
I.. I.. can't believe my ears. Does this mean I was right? :@
I've always felt that way from my personal experience and extensive gun testing.
I probably have shot more fish with roller guns than any other American Spearo.
It is THIS ^^^ simple. I've been saying THIS ^^^ for YEARS.
No magic, no opinions, no bs
FINALLY someone else got it right :fanwave:
Thanks dsculley for making this solution so clear that even a seal :laughing: could understand.It's not entirely true. A long thin flexible spear with a flopper is slightly more complex than a bullet.
And I've seen guns so overpowered that the shaft comes out oscillating severely which significantly affected it's rate of decrease in velocity.
You can simply set up a grid and do a frame by frame on a video as the shaft leaves to gun to calculate velocity at that point. That's the number we are all looking for. And looking at my video in slow motion, it's very close between my two guns. And that's comparing apples to apples. Same length gun, identical shafts, same band thickness.
My conclusions:
A single banded roller gun will generate a force on the shaft slightly less than an identical 2 banded gun. And it's very close. (You can't increase the length of pull without lengthening the gun or adding bands in parallel. You can thicken or shorten bands to gain more power, but that goes for either configuration)
A roller gun has slightly less recoil and significantly less muzzle flip than a 2 banded gun. Therefore it is more accurate. (And obviously some guns have less muzzle flip than others)
Roller guns should have enclosed tracks and thicker shafts to take advantage of the higher forces without getting shaft whip.
Loading time of a double action roller is the same as a double banded gun.
Roller guns are not good for scuba freeshafting. Too long to reload compared to a single banded scuba gun.
Sorry I guess I'm missing some thing. Where did 2 pulled over 42" come from? 70-22 is 48 so wouldn't it be 96" of pull? Just trying to follow thanks.
The bands only pull the shaft from the shark fin tab while loaded to the Roller, or to the relaxed length of the bands in a normal gun.
The roller allows the bands to pull all the way to the roller with good force due to the preload.