Has anyone ever used an ear lube via predive and or post dive?
I have, but cannot remmber what type. I do remember it helping. :confused1:
Has anyone ever used an ear lube via predive and or post dive?
I have, but cannot remmber what type. I do remember it helping. :confused1:
what is the purpose of said lube...doesn't your ear already have wax in it ?
Wax yes,
as far as purpose, recently I have not had a problem with clearing going down but on the flip I am starting to experience a reverse squeeges I guess you could call it.
But reverse squeeze has to do with what's on the other side of the ear drum, your eustachian tubes are getting clogged. I don't believe putting oil in your ear will do anything to help that.
OK thanks Dan I understand the reverse squeeze better.
My thinking is that it might help with a few things
1) relaxing the drum maybe loosen it up a little.
2) by having a better coat of lube in the ear might help with water getting trapped in the first place. I know that after a dive and I use a cleaning solution it does feel nice when that last bit of trapped water frees itself.
I guess no one has herd of such a product, It was just an Idea.
There is a product you can buy at any drug store that's made for swimmers to dry the inside of the ear fast and prevent infection. I think all it has is a little alcohol, I can tell because it gets my ear burning a little and for this reason I don't like to use it. Usually my ears dry fairly well on their own, I just wanted a little help for the rare times when they don't.
the stuff is called swimmers ear, i believe
or maybe it treats swimmers ear?
either way, say swimmer's ear to the pharmacy employee
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