Hey Lunkerbuster !!!

  • probably not, but...a couple follow up questions.

    1) we are talking about a Guardian Ad Lietum when you say GAL or something else?
    2) were you in court when you said it?
    3) are you under any order to stay away from this person or not communicate with them?

    You are usually safe unless you say something to the judge..lawyers can be sanctioned and have BAR complaints filed against them, but that doesn't apply to non-lawyers. Unless you were in open court, and even then it would have to be pretty odd situation, like you were out of your mind with rage and they were just minding their own business.

    Feel free to PM if you dont want to share any answers w the whole family

    freedom of speech is still pretty much protected...pretty much

    i like to spear fish

  • 1. Yes....
    2. Nope....phone conversation.She called to question me about a rebuttal letter I sent her saying "I would not dance like an organ grinder's monkey just because she was playing a tune" to which she told me I would follow her recommendation. The answer to that was "blow me".
    3. No

    Thanks, LB. I guess I can unpack my toothbrush and underwear and put my laces back in my shoes.

  • Good stuff.

    It's nice to know you can't get into shit for telling off a dumbass on the phone.

    Small hijack;
    LB, you're still in school correct?
    If you're already a lawyer and familiar with creating Revocable Trust let me know. Thanks.

  • Aaron- in general, you should be fine...a few things to consider...i dont know what capacity you are involved with this GAL, but they really carry weight in regards to the minor child that they are "guarding" I would just remind you that, if the minor child is in any way connected to you, you don't want this person as an enemy, so govern yourself accordingly.
    Additionally, remember that most GAL's are great people who do something very difficult and are trying to ultimately keep the "best interests of the child" at heart, they usually deal with some of the scummiest people on the planet, I know you to be a man of honor and integrity, they may not. While this is no excuse for them to have been in any way rude to you, keep in mind what they "should" want and who they are normally working with. That perspective may help you avoid any issues and get a resolution everyone likes.

    Also, I cannot cuss people out as an atty, all that this has done is make me a LOT better at slamming people without cursing...Seriously, it is a great exercise in self control and can help in many areas of life.

    Larry I wish I was still in school, I am already in the horrible real world of law and lawyers.
    I really don't know anything more than a basic law school level about any trusts. I would recommend that you call legal aid in your county and ask them if there is a local legal helpline, they can usually get you in touch with a lawyer in the area you need who will at least talk to you for free and hel point you in the right direction.

    if you want to, PM me with a little about the nature of your question and i'll ask around at my office to see if anyone knows anything.

    i like to spear fish

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