video Bahamas William Trubridge

  • yes, he is my coach -- a great guy . taught me how to dive. here we are at Vb 10 -- a personal best for me constant weight 58m( only my third dive ever with a fin ). I only train no-fins. You can see I am wearing "two" D4s . the pink one is mine the other is the official gauge. I set my alarms at 35m for mouthfill and 55m to look for the plate and grab the tag. This is after the dive - a white card from the judges!

  • [QUOTE=O2. Check out the thieves at about 4:00 into the video

    oh yeah,quick little suckers.actually they were pretty good size.

  • O2 nice to have you here, is William still doing the training courses in Bahama's? I spoke to him awhile back and he was going to be having some advanced courses over in the Bahama's.

    Do you do 1 big frenzel mouthfill at 35m? would that be just your second one, 1 for beginning of descent then another at 35m?

  • yes, William is in Europe now then will go to Okinawa for the team world championships (team NZ) . He will be back on Long Island in the fall. I'll be there in Oct. You should come for a course--he, personally, dives with you , the class group is small and you will make a lot of progress.
    I just equalize normally until I get to about 35m. Then I have reached my residual lung volume( not enough air in your lungs to eq) and I have to bring air up for the mouthfill. Some divers reverse pack deeper for mouthfill but that takes a lot of practice. Eric Fattah describes this much better on his website ( I still have problems with eq. at depth and am working on it. If you tense up ( as I do) it just doesn't happen. Each time seems to get better, though and I go a little deeper. I haven't been diving for very long so it is all new to me!

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