Shaft Problems

  • I have had a Mako 120 for some time now and I am beginning to look at a few things that are starting to annoy me about the gun mainly the shaft/mechanism interface.

    1 st. The band ends make it awkward to load the second band after the first has been loaded.

    Would longer tapers on the band ends and shorter wishbones help this?

    2 nd. The line loop at the end of the spear makes loading the spear into the mech awkward as well ( I showed this to Dan).

    I want to drill a hole forward of the loading tabs to attach the line to can I just put it in a vice and drill it?

    Also the bands ends are being shredded because of the first problem I think.

  • Take the band closest to the tip of the spear, (furthest from you) and pull if under the band closest to you to the first tab, pull the the next to the second tab. It's normal to see some wear near the knots on bands, there is a lot of pressure there because the knot squeezes it so tight, and it still needs to go around the wishbone. The sun also doesn't help much with preservation of bands, so try to keep them covered and out of the sun.

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