PB Fish- "Sweet Dreams" knocks 'em out

  • Im gonna buy a floatline soon then, lost a biller to a big yellow jack diving 55ft cause I didnt have either. :angry5:

  • As have a few people that post here that didn't know better. Worse than that it can make you hesitate to drop a gun at depth and cause a blackout.

    That's what I call post bait.

    I had to drop a gun with a reel. I will have a floatline on my gun. I almost lost one last Friday because I was in crap vis and got swept away from the gun after trying to retrieve my shaft that I shot into a rock.

    A reel is for convenience as Davie said. There are times when you don't want to deal with a line floating behind you. But Dan will chime in and talk about how to handle a floatline on the surface to minimize tangles.

  • Jim, How could it be a bait post? I was under the impression you don't read anything I say :D Besides there are at least two more guys on this forum who lost a gun or blacked out because of no float line. I didn't lose a gun on two occasions that I'm sure about due to the float line. Most of the time I simply don't worry about it and only in retrospect do I think what would've happened if I didn't have a float.

    I really should and will now start a floatline vs reel thread so we can refer our friends that are just starting out to information that will be very helpful to them IMO. Of course reel fans can then post too and make us feel like the elite below the elite as usual :)

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