New from Ulusub

  • Please have another factory sale.... I'm begging you! Had my 125cm ulusub out at Clemente. The thing is a laser. Unfortunately, no big fish to feed the Wong so I turned to my trusty ulusub to go after reef fish. I could have had limits of large calicos but I only took two to contribute to a full freezer.

  • Hey Jon, I'm going to be in Bali very soon and will probably be coming around to the shop. Would be great to catch up and talk guns and diving.

  • In about ten days. I'll fly back to Italy on the 24th of nov. I'm going to be with two other kiwi guys, father and son. If it's still cool to dive we would love to hook up with you.

  • Please have another factory sale.... I'm begging you! Had my 125cm ulusub out at Clemente. The thing is a laser. Unfortunately, no big fish to feed the Wong so I turned to my trusty ulusub to go after reef fish. I could have had limits of large calicos but I only took two to contribute to a full freezer.

    X2 I missed out on the 165, :(:(:(

  • We have a few [I think 3pcs] 145cm Rear Handle Open Track Guns which we could put on sale. $4OO shipped, no bands, no shaft.

    We had our Big sale last year for two reasons.
    1. Those were stock guns we made which were supposed to go to USA Distributor for their summer order. But when they didn't pay for the preveious year's summer order... we couldn't send them another shipment which left us sitting on their order which we had already made.. So, we had a sale.
    2. We needed to get our cash flow out of Wood, and into Cement.. building our new factory. Which.. is getting the roof this week, and probably has one of the better views of any Speargun factory around..

    So, the bad news is that I don't think we will have another sale like that. We will always have a few guns which we develop as prototypes which we put on sale, but I don't see another full range 5O+ Gun sale coming..

  • Do you have any pics of the 145 guns?

    We have a few [I think 3pcs] 145cm Rear Handle Open Track Guns which we could put on sale. $4OO shipped, no bands, no shaft.

    We had our Big sale last year for two reasons.
    1. Those were stock guns we made which were supposed to go to USA Distributor for their summer order. But when they didn't pay for the preveious year's summer order... we couldn't send them another shipment which left us sitting on their order which we had already made.. So, we had a sale.
    2. We needed to get our cash flow out of Wood, and into Cement.. building our new factory. Which.. is getting the roof this week, and probably has one of the better views of any Speargun factory around..

    So, the bad news is that I don't think we will have another sale like that. We will always have a few guns which we develop as prototypes which we put on sale, but I don't see another full range 5O+ Gun sale coming..

  • That is a really generous offer! I absolutely love my 125. How much for a 165 mid-handle enclosed track without shaft or bands? I have been saving up for a bit. These guns are awesome!

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