Lobster Medallions

  • One of the best things about being a freediver is that the seafood is free :).

    One of my buddies was nice enough to show me a decent spot in oc, conditions were a bit rough with a lot of swell whipping thru the reef. Unfortunately the bugs weren't on the crawl as much as we would have liked but it was still a nice dive. I saw a lot of sculpin and even a nice halibut but truth be told I was getting a bit tired of the constant kicking to just stay in place. I ended up with a few bugs and decided to cook a couple of them tonight.

    I can't take credit for the recipe, it was originally from sb, I don't even remember whos recipe it was but I think it was marcos. At any rate, this is my version of it.

    I must confess that I suck ass at cooking lobster normally, it's usually too dry so I usually fry it or cut it into small pieces and then grill it. Mori taught me a great trick a while back and it's basic knowledge that I didn't know about. The outdoor bbq dries out your meat because there is constant warm air going out of the grill. The indoor oven however has the same air circulating around it, thus the moisture stays in. That's why the white seabass sex sauce works so great in the oven AFTER you bbq it. Consequently it works out great for cooking lobster and keeping it moist as well.

    Lobster medallions:
    2 bugs
    1/2 cup butter
    1/4 cup chopped parsley
    1 tb chopped garlic
    a tiny bit of garlic salt

    Detail your bug, then cut into small sections with a knife, I used to use a butcher knife and it would make a big ass mess in the kitchen with splatters. My wife had some shitty ginsu knife in the kitchen and man did it work out great, cuts thru tin cans and lobsters with ease :).

    Whip up the butter with the parsley and garlic and salt, it was referred to as "escargot sauce" or something like that in the original recipe. Smear the mix on the top and bottom parts of the medallions you cut. Put into a baking pan lined with aluminum foil and broil it for 10-15 minutes until the flesh is no longer clear. Serve with your choice of vegetables (I love eating it with cabbage that has been sauteed in olive oil, onions and salt).

    I also did a quick grilling of some scallops my coworker gave me. Heat up olive oil in a pan, add some fresh garlic and fry. Then add your scallops and add a tiny bit of garlic salt and grill just until it stops being opaque. Remove immediately, the scallop will continue cooking because of the hot temperature from being in the pan and should turn out just right. Very simple and delicious.

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