Greetings from port au prince

  • Hi all,
    my name is Stefano and I am a 46yo italian who is working in Haiti but my family is at the moment based in Santo Domingo. Right now I am planning a family trip over the next couple of weeks and have not decided yet, between Puerto Rico or Cuba.....I have already received some information regarding PR but have not found much information on spearfishing in the Cayo Coco area of Cuba, doeas any of you have any information on good contacts for both fishng and accommodation?
    Many thanks

  • Ciao Stefano,

    Io sono figlio di italiani, 46 enne nato a Caracas, Venezuela. Abito a Puerto Rico da sette anni e pesco da qualche annetto in più...

    Benvenuto sul forum. ;)

    Ma che cazzo fai ad Haiti? Sono curioso.... :confused1:

    Translation: Welcome. :)

    Marco Melis

    A bad day fishing is ALWAYS better than a good day at work.

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