Dive report/Speardiver gear review

  • Well, after a being blown out for the last 3 weeks in a row, I finally had a chance to get all my new Speardiver gear to the test.

    Headed out of Port Everglades to hit up some of the old and familiar spots, but were greeted by filthy brown water with 0 vis, all the way out to the 3rd reef. We did find one spot on the 3rd reef where we managed a few dives before the brown moved in. I was on the bottom, and it was like someone turned off the light switch. It happened that fast. Speedo shot a nice grover here, well over 10#. Tried making it look impressive for the pic, but he just makes it look average. The pic really doesn't do it justice...

    We ended up diving a couple of wrecks ranging in depth from 70-90ft, since that was the only place the water was still clear. Besides a few jew fish and some bar jacks and chubs, most of wrecks were pretty barren.
    We picked up a few triggers, and I managed to land 2 decent yellow jacks with one shot, but besides that we didn't shoot anything. Definitely not the fishy day I was hoping for, but good to be in the water after a long drought.

    As for the gear, I have a new pair of c100 blades and 3mm wetsuit that I had yet to give a try.
    The suit fits like a glove, except for the pant legs that are a few inches short. Doesn't really matter, as that gap is easily covered by long socks or booties. Very impressed with the stitching and overall fit. Dan, I suggest you change the sizing specs on your site, because going by them, I would have NEVER bought the suit for fear it would be loose on me. Unfortunately I already tore the suit, and almost circumcized myself in the process. The platform at the back of the boat had an attachedment for a dive ladder which was secured by a pin with a ring at the end. The ring deformed somehow caught in my right thigh as I pulled myself into the boat, missing my junk by an inch. Was pretty cold the rest of the day, especially on the bottom where it was at least 6 degrees colder than the top. I hope some glue will fix it.

    The fins are great. I already had a pair of c90's, but left them in Curaçao so I didn't have to keep dragging them back ond forth. With the c100's I got deeper faster, and returned to the surface with almost no effort. Compared them on the boat with some C4 falcons, and the c100, even though longer and wider are significantly lighter. A real dream to dive with.

    Here are a few pics.



  • Great Jewfish pics and report Gerald

    "Whiskey don't make liars, it just makes fools. So, I didn't mean to say it, but I meant what I said."
    -James McMurtry

  • Thanks for the kind words guys.

    Dan that new camera rocks, makes taking pics easy. The rip is about 2 inches long in the shape of a lightning bolt. I'll try it with the glue I have. Will let you know how it goes.

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