For Robert Deniro fans NSFW

  • I was doing a google search for a particular image of Deniro and stumbled on some surprising info. I like and respect Deniro as an actor and have enjoyed most of his work. I always took him to be a serious actor. You have someone like Stalone who started his career in porn but you'd never expect anything close from Deniro. Well here's a scene of him and Gerard Depardieu from the movie Novecento…e_novecento_nude.php#more


    Yes, that’s Gerard Depardieu and Robert De Niro the both of them, nekkid as jaybirds and getting simultaneous handjobs from a multi-tasking hooker. Celebrities would not be nearly as entertaining if they didn’t all have a “I was young and broke and unknown and naked” phase!

    If you want to download the video clip I uploaded it HERE for a little while.

  • Dan,

    If you click on the first link, one of the images has De Niro fondling Depardroup's nuggets:hump1:. WTF? Looks like De Niro also dabbled in mariconeria:hi::confused1:.

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