ponto beach/tamarack kelp

  • I was down at ponto last night and tamarack this morning with the kids. I don't know about visibility but anything south of the power plant temp wise is roughly 65 degrees or better. might be worth checking out if your in the area. and feel like scouting around. I know if you enter at the power plant and swim south there is some kelp. also rumors of a Whitey. juice may not be worth the squeeze but if anyone hits it up let me know how it was.

  • My buddy and I dove the power plant around 11:30 in the afternoon. Water temp was good probably around 62-65. Vis was 5-10 feet. We ended up getting a good size sculpin and a 17" spot fin croaker. No halibut in sight, lots of BIG bat rays. In all a good trip, but the wind chop was pretty hard to deal with.

  • Sculpin is just another rock fish, so I normally make ceviche or tacos. With the croaker I have made tacos, panko breaded fish and chips, stew, just about anything you normally use white fish for.

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