Quick release shooting line to spear attachment

  • Focussing for a moment on Riffe style shafts with shark fin tabs, has anyone ever seen a small, low profile, snap connection for attaching the shooting line to the shaft, instead of a direct crimped loop? A regular snap swivel is way too big, IMHO, but it would be nice to be able to quickly change shooting line length, or replace a damaged line, without having to break out the crimps. One other possibility would be to use a smaller snap swivel that is sized for the actual breaking strength of the mono (usually a bit less than the rated strength, I think), instead of the typical 500 lb swivels. Any ideas?

  • I know of something like what you're looking for and I'll find it in a moment. But first let me say that a low vis or hole gun is usually much smaller than a universal gun and as such two wraps of line around it will already make for a significantly shorter line.

  • Found it. Good idea BTW but it depends how much drag it will put on the shaft as I've never actually had one in my hand. They're usually referred to as an escape proof snaps so you should be able to find other sources for it. Just cut off the swivel or source it by itself. Here are a couple of places that carries them:

    On second thought I don't think this will work well. The loop has to be of ideal size to be able to move freely around the tab or dog house. The easier solution is just to carry along a kit of mono, crimps and crimper.

  • I agree that a hole gun is a more practical approach most of the time, though i would still like to be able to quickly and easily change a damaged shooting line. Most of my hunting is around structure but I hate cable. Not that crimps and a crimping tools are especially difficult, but what about heavy duty split rings? Owner (of super sharp hook fame) makes these out of stainless steel and rated up to 250 lbs.


    • splitring1.jpg
  • I'm curious why you don't like cable?

    Like I said it has to be big enough to move around the tab but I think you're using a dog house. Close range it probably doesn't make a difference anyways and should be fine.

  • What about some type of loop knot.

    Because it's way to simple! :D That would be a great idea in concept, but I've never experimented with tying 400 lb mono. Based on my experience with 80 lb mono, though, I think that it would be very difficult to get heavier mono knots to tighten adequately so as not to slip.

    Remember that I'm a scuba heathen most of the time (for now). Since I am using neither a reel nor a floatline, I like to know that I can quickly cut the shooting line (instead of releasing the gun) if I find myself unable to handle a fish safely. I also don't like the way cable tends to get kinked and twisted.

  • I also don't like the way cable tends to get kinked and twisted.

    Same here, I even dont like when mono kinks. If you use spectra or kevlar for shooting line you can tie it to the shaft. How about using spectra on the tab then transition to mono. I recently saw a friends gun rigged with cable then after a couple of feet he transitioned to mono.

    Davie Peguero

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