Diving tomorrow morning 7/17

  • Went and did some scouting in an area that looks promising when the swell dies and then went out at a place with easier entry around PV. Visibility was 5-10 with occasional 15. I got to use my new Ulusub 130rh and it handles great in the water. I am very happy with it. I need to get some fish with it as today was more of a scenic dive. I saw some big rubberlip perch and lots of wrasse in the kelp and a few bat ray caught me by surprise. It was a nice dive but no fresh dinner.

  • There are perch, opaleye, and others but I have yet to eat opaleye. I do like surf perch but rubberlip perch get some nasty parasites. Rock fish are not very common off the reefs here in socal but are tasty. I have heard of people eating key hole limpets and sea weed. There are also mussels along the shore in some spots but I never know when they are ok to eat due to some toxin they carry during certain portions of the year.

    Here is a decent list of fish you can find around here but not all are edible.


    Barred Surfperch
    Bat Ray
    Black Seaperch
    Brown Smoothhound Shark
    Calico Surfperch
    California Corbina
    California Halibut
    California Lizardfish
    California Scorpionfish
    California Sheephead
    California Yellowtail
    Diamond Turbot
    Giant Kelpfish
    Grass Rockfish
    Grey Smoothhound Shark
    Horn Shark
    Kelp Bass
    Kelp Greenling
    King Salmon
    Leopard Shark
    Mystery Fish
    Pacific Bonito
    Pacific Butterfish
    Pacific Mackerel
    Pacific Tomcod
    Rainbow Seaperch
    Redtail Surfperch
    Rubberlip Seaperch
    Sarcastic Fringehead
    Sevengill Shark
    Shovelnose Guitarfish
    Spotfin Croaker
    Starry Flounder
    Striped Bass
    Striped Seaperch
    Thresher Shark
    Walleye Surfperch
    White Croaker
    White Sturgeon
    Yellowfin Croaker

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