I'm hoping to do some patty hoping soon and wanted to run my float system by you guys. I have a 100 foot float line clipped to my ulusub with reel to an 11 liter rob allen float. From there I will either be getting another float line or bungee to the speardiver yellow inflatable float. Is this overkill or am I well prepared? Should I get a short bungee or nylon rope or another floatline to connect the two floats? Also I lost a shackle for my neptonics float line and replaced it with a 400lb shackle from riffe however I was wondering should I use lock tight or something to keep it together? Thanks.
Float system for yellow tail?
A little overkill for typical paddy diving. However, you never know when the tuna may came through or that one paddy may just be holding that 60lb yellow.
I never used more than a reel gun for paddy hopping. It gets to be a big pain jumping in and out of the boat quickly especially when there are no fish on it. It's good to have a float rig set-up and ready in the boat just in case there are good signs of the bigger fish being around. 95% of the time it's going to be yellows and or dorado in the 10-25lb range.
If you are more comfortable having a tag line with the reel gun, I would suggest a short line, 35-50' with a small float; just enough buoyancy to lift your gun should you drop it. You may also want to consider a self-inflating float (look into the Carter Floats) just in case you get in a bind with a fish on the end of your line. These stay rolled up on your belt until ready to deploy.
Ask the captain how he likes to roll.
I was thinkng of getting either a carter or a riffe inflating float as a back up. A 35-50 foot float line would be good as well. Maybe even a hammerhead icepick line or I could try the rob allen ones.
I always ask the captain if they have specific rules that they wish the passengers abides by. However I feel more comfortable using a float line.
If its a comfort issue then use should use whatever you need. I am guessing that this will be your first trip paddy hopping.
I am only recommending a shorter line for line management in the water with other divers.
You will all be on the same spot. Having 3 or 4 long floatlines all drifting down current or down wind turns into a giant Charlie Foxtrot, especially with the big hard floats. A shorter line gives you more control over the line and allows the group to stay closer together without tangling lines. It will also make retrieving or dispatching the line in and out of the boat simpler and faster.
Have fun and be safe. Good luck! Looking forward to some pictures and a report
Alex I have a Norprine 50 ft bungi you can use for a couple weeks if you need it. I be at the next Neptune meeting.
Cheers, Don
Yes this would be my first time paddy hopping. I haven't booked the trip yet but I'm looking at going soon hopefully so I want to be prepared.
Don that would be awesome. When is the next neptunes meeting? Is there an email list I can get on for the neptunes?
Don that would be awesome. When is the next neptunes meeting? Is there an email list I can get on for the neptunes?Hey Alex, first Wed of the month at the pizza parlor. If you decide to go I'll see you there.
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