South FL reef hunting techniques - help!

  • How do I know once Ive reached the second reef? When I swim out from Dania I know when Ive reached the first reef by the distinct ledge a little east of the end of the pier. Ive swam past that a little and have seen mostly hard bottom. Is there another ledge or drop signifying the end of 1st and beginning of 2nd? I tried google earth and doing google searches and cant find a nice image or even a clear explanation.

    Relax & Go Spearfishing

  • The reef youre talking about is actually like the zero not the first. There are actually 4 reefs but people seem to skip the inshore one and call the actual second reef the first. The first is actually about double the distance from the pier and what you are thinking of as the second.

    If you continue past that 0 reef ledge it will eventually turn back into sand, and if you swim over the sand you will eventually come to rocks that get rockier and rockier in about 20ft which eventually turns into ledges and shallow reef. That is reef #1. If you keep swimming over the reef it eventually gets deep again, turns back into sand, a lot more sand, and then when you hit rocks again you are at the front of the second reef with the sand at about 25ft 30+ at the back. Another patch of sand and you arrive at the back of the second in 45ish. And then yet another expansive patch of sand will land you on the 3rd in 60+ ft of water.

    There are some spots that have patches of reef missing, but for the most part you can know where you are by how many large patches of sand you swam over.

  • Unfortunately you would have to travel quite far to find a place free from the dangers of DUI boaters in South FL. Its just how it is here. When I go out im more worried about boaters then SWB, sharks, etc. The reefs here are used like highways and most boats run up and down them parallel to the shore so there is nowhere you are really safe from traffic. The best thing to do is beachdive on weekdays when you can since almost no one is out boating. When people are out boating make sure you keep an eye and an ear out as best you can for boats. Most boats you here coming a looong ways before they are close. But ive been surprised by enough very silent boats (mostly sailboats) to know its not a foolproof method.

  • Chase, I do not intend harm the thread, with comments unrelated to your questions.

    Every time I read your posts I see your dog, reminds me that I had. a Boxer "Cabezon" beautiful, valiant with thousand adventures that it was feasible to write a book, your last adventure was a short-legged Pitbull called Cleopatra "Cleo" Cabezon was 12 years old when Cleo arrived, neglect me and Cleo give birth pario 9 puppies (all males), beautiful dogs that were unintentionally mixed race they were very beautiful.
    They knew when I went fishing

    They knew me when I was fishing

    No pretendo Dañarle el thread, con comentarios ajenos a sus preguntas.

    Cada vez que leo sus hilos veo a su perro, me recuerda los que yo tenía. un Boxer Macho "Cabezón" precioso, valiente con mil aventuras que se prodria escribir un libro, su ultima aventura fue con una Pitbull patas cortas llamada Cleopatra "Cleo", Cabezón tenia 12 años de edad cuando llegó Cleo, me descuide y Cleo parir 9 machos (todos Machos), eran perros hermosos esa mezcla de raza no intencional resultaron muy bellos.

    Ellos sabian cuando yo me iba a pescar

    Hardline, I think this is Spanish Mackerel / Cero (strong abdominal background)


    Un Hombre tiene que creer en algo.......
    Creo que me iré de pesca!!!

  • Hey Jose, fellow canine lovers are more than welcome. I have 2 more pitts a red and also a white one. Every time i come back from fishing i get interrogated by my pack.


    Relax & Go Spearfishing

  • The easiest way to tell is the line running down the side. The Spanish Mack (above) has just circles and no line whereas a Cero will have a line running down the side.

  • Chase and Dan, Yes, they are excellent companions, Red? interesting .. Cleo was the daughter of a black father and white mother. cleo was brow (like boxer).

    I feed them fish, also, mixed canned sardines with pro plan.

    my opinion, sardines shining to her hair

    Thanks Hardline, the above photo (mine) swim alone or with two or three clear water

    This smaller swim in shoals and clear water and green

    I have no pictures of fish only have to stand me. :cool2:

    PD:I think it's the only fish using the mako :D


    Un Hombre tiene que creer en algo.......
    Creo que me iré de pesca!!!

    Edited 2 times, last by Josediaz ().

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