RA reel repair

  • spearos---I just bought the new RA composite reel in Oct.08 and broke it yesterday.
    This is to help others who have the same problem.

    I was cranking in excess line the other day and felt my reel line slip down between the line already on the spool and the reel side and lock up. The spooled line felt like it had been cranked onto the reel too loose and had allowed the line to slip down against the reel axle. Next morning I spent 2 hours taking the 200f of QPower line off the reel and putting it back onto the reel only to have the reel now not cranking correctly and eventually falling apart in my hands, [2 hours after I wanted to be in the water].
    Problem--Today I took the line off again and found the problem. The RA reel body is 2 pieces and mine had seperated, allowing the 2 reel faces to spread and let my line slip down against the axle and the spooled line and forcing the mounting nut off the axle.
    Solution--I lightly scuffed the 2 connecting surfaces of the 2 reel sides and superglue GEL the 2 reel sides back together so they cannot seperate. The design of the 2 sides allow for a very good connecting glue surface. I waited 4 hours and rewound the line back on the reel which now works better than ever.
    Sorry I do not have pic.
    Please to let me know if I can help anyone with this RA reel as I have now completely dismantled and put one back together.
    Hope this helps

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