ear problems

  • I apologize if this has been covered. I can't get the search feature to work from my phone for some reason.
    If one does experience ear problems, how long does it take for the effects to subside?
    I dove a spring this past weekend....... 6 hours Saturday and 4 hours Sunday. On Sunday I began having a hard time equalizing. The rest of Sunday I felt fine except for being extremely dehydrated and very tired. Passed out on the couch around 8 pm.
    When I got up for work Monday I felt like I was severely hung over and I don't drink. My ears feel irritated but not painful. A little stuffy but not blocked. I have been dog tired since and feel like what I imagine virtigo to feel like.
    Water is about 70 degrees and depth was 35'
    I've been hoping It was only a cold or something but it's something else.

  • Ear and sinus issues can be stopping illnesses for spearing. Do not hesitate to use antibiotics when/if necessary. LOTS of spearos suffer ear and sinus issues. IF you are a smoker these issues will be more frequent
    hope this helps

  • I'll try and get in tomorrow somewhere. Do these symptoms sound familiar? I have allergies but I've never even had an ear infection or any ear issues.
    Thanks hau

  • just an update. just got back from the doc and found out I have infected ears and a sinus infection causing vertigo.
    when I asked the doc how long I needed to stay out of the water she told me that since diving often causes ear problems she couldn't recommend it as a hobby.:crazy:
    I told her that driving has risks involved so perhaps she shouldn't drive. Thanks for the meds lady

  • Okay. First I rarely discuss diving with my doctor because it disillusions me when they reveal how ignorant they are.

    That said. When your ears close up it is most often caused by congestion or inflammation. I rarely am afflicted by this but I do have a preventative regimen.

    I recommend a netti pot for all divers. Use only bottled or boiled water. Never tap. And rinse your sinuses the night before a day of diving. If I am feeling allergic or stuffy I will take a sudafed before the dive in the early morning.

    I will often take 800mg of ibuprofen as an anti inflammatory when I have ear pain or a hard time clearing but this of course only helps after the dive. If I am diving and experience difficulty or pain in equaling I will stop the dive and begun hydrating.

    Try to avoid allowing yourself to get dehydrated at all. Mucus membranes are they keys to your head, ear and sinus cavities and if you are dehydrated they are dry. And they don't move as fast, they don't bounce back to shape as well and they are more brittle and prone to split or crack.

    i like to spear fish

  • Lunkerbuster called it. Don't get dehydrated. If I dive like you did, six hours straight and didn't drink a liter of water every hour or two, I get problems equalising.

    Usually after about 30 dives it will start. And it does feel slightly painful, or irritated afterwards. Mine cleared up within a few hours after diving ……and drinking a shitload of water. Start with that. Drink..a lot. If that doesn't work, look at possible infections or other causes.

  • Thanks guys. not sure what I was thinking on letting myself get so dehydrated. I definitely did not realize the impact it would have on my ears. Wont let it happen again.

  • redrider---this is one of the main reasons Speardiver is so good. Many experienced, knowledgable spearos here to help each other and share information about any questions a spearo may have. Almost every spearo here has BEEN where you are now or will be in your situation in the future. Once you learn what ear/sinus solutions work for you, you will be in a position to share and help others.
    (Just don't ask for spearin spot numbers :nono: :D )

  • I would suggest you find a dive accredited doctor, they provide clearance certificates to commercial divers.

    I have had ear troubles and have management plans to help me but I am reluctant to give further details as some might try what I have to do and cause negative effects.

    One of the best things I have done to ensure I can dive for many years to come was to find my doctor.

  • I would suggest you find a dive accredited doctor, they provide clearance certificates to commercial divers.

    I have had ear troubles and have management plans to help me but I am reluctant to give further details as some might try what I have to do and cause negative effects.

    One of the best things I have done to ensure I can dive for many years to come was to find my doctor.

    Good advice. But ear problems with free divers differ a bit from scuba. Ours can be generated by multiple descents and ascents. Bubble blowers are usually affect by infections. Both can get perforations from blockage though. Doctors are more familiar with scuba problems. We're kind of the new kids on the block.

    I haven't had an ear infection or even swimmer's ear for over 20 years. But I have had clogged ears due to Eustachian tubes clogging up after multiple dives. The worst is the reverse block. I get dizzy as hell ascending with that. :crazy::confused1: Kind of a scary feeling because I'm not sure where "up" is.

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