My first dive video and a lobster trick I read about

  • Went out with Trace for a morning dive and managed to get a calico, sheephead, mackeral and some sugarbass. Trace and I decided to head in when I said lets hunt the shallows and maybe grab a lobster. Well I managed my first legal lobster freediving. Its been a long time coming. I seem to only get shorts but this was a great day on the water with beautiful clear water and a variety of fish. Turned the fish into a mixed pot of ceviche and then broiled the lobster in a ginger, chili, garlic butter. I got half the dive on video and thought I would share.*

    I am curious how I can get the fish to look larger. Its hard to see things. I have the gopro hero with a head mount. Would the flat lens water housing help with that?

    On another note I also put the lobster in the microwave trick that i read about on NHT's website on youtube it really works. I added the lobster leg meat to my ceviche as a topping. YUM YUM!

  • You have the original gopro with the bubble lens? If that's the case yes the flat lens is what you need. I had the same issue a while back.
    gopro hero low light help
    Using a medium view instead of the wide will also help fish look a little closer.
    Congrats on the first lobster!

    Yeah I have the original gopro. I will have to pickup a new water housing it sounds like and maybe shoot in 720 instead of the 960. Possibly a filter depending on situations it sounds like too. Thanks for posting that link up. :)

  • I don't think so. The newer gopro cameras are smaller than the old ones. Might be time to upgrade. All my new videos are shot with the 3+ black

    Just got this camera so i will be holding out on a new one for a while.

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