Cold light and warm light on the LEDs of the different lanterns, can be clearly seen a Chinese march (the two are made in china)…m:mItnAKpjeYZ94dCvAGGGvkA and Beuchat aL3 warm light this is thanks to the delegate de Beuchat Xabi Olesti have a fucking idea.

Cold and warm light of LED from different flashlights
Which do you think is better for spearfishing, cold or warm light?
La mejor es la luz fria debido a que cuando mas profundo bajamos pierde luminiscencia el haz de luz.
The best thing is the cold light because when you lose luminescence deeper down the beam.
Ramón: Casi nunca uso linterna, pero me acabo de comprar una china exactamente igual a la de la foto.
Even if I rarely use it, I just bought a chinese flashlight as the one shown at Ramon's picture.
I had to change the o'rings because the original ones had some cuts that for sure will lead into flooding.
Marco, si lleva pila china no duran nada ademas que estallan, para el mar son mejores estas de la foto blindadas o protegidas
con la humedad suelen estallar, estas son las buenas IMR 26650 Li-Mn 50A 4500MAH
Marco, if he has a Chinese pile, they do not last but they explode, for the sea, these are better than the photos armed or protected
with moisture usually bursting, these are the good IMR 26650 Li-Mn 50A 4500MAH
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