FRA live online education seminar

  • email I received from the FRA.

    The time has come to try something new.

    We will have a live education seminar online on TONIGHT at 8 PM.

    Go to FRA Education Seminar is the url
    The password is:
    all one word, lower case.

    Join us tonight for a live broadcast about what our strategy is for Wednesday's public input.The live education seminar, hosted by Denny O'Hern, aims to help you understand the issues and focus your message. All supporting materials will be available for download directly below the broadcast screen during the seminar.

    It is OK to share this link and password with known FRA supporters. The password is an attempt to thwart the government and enviros from knowing what we are doing.

    Start to call your congressmen, senators and governor. Urge them to watch the public input LIVE on the FRA website.

  • The FRA is the only organization actively trying to deter the onslaught our sport is receiving from the powerful agendas of the enviromentalists and tree huggers in powerful government posts. They are not perfect, but are the lone cadre of members that are predominantly spearos. I just hope my son can experience the events I have in regards to spearfishing. I'm afraid that by the time he is of age, large chunks of areas will be closed off and species will be removed from being harvested.

    It is good to see they are attempting new forums to focus their message and garner participation.

  • The following email

    recording available of

    June 15, 2009

    See the recording of the ONLINE EDUCATION SEMINAR

    The time has come to try something new.

    We have a recorded education seminar online at .

    Go to FRA Education Seminar for the supporting documents.

    Watch a recording of the broadcast (only 25 minutes) to learn about what our strategy is for Wednesday's public input. The education seminar, hosted by Denny O'Hern, aims to help you understand the issues and focus your message. All supporting materials will be available for download directly below the broadcast screen during the seminar.

    It is OK to share this link with known FRA supporters. This is an attempt to thwart the government and enviros from knowing what we are doing.

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