Posts by twentytwomonk

    Just got the footpockets and snorkel that I ordered from Dan. He'd probably tell you that I've been a PITA to deal with as far as buying fins and footpockets, but he's been nothing but patient, and got me exactly what he described.

    Got a set of OMER Millenium footpockets, and they are soft to medium stiffness, just as he said they would be. No one else will give you the guarantee of the rubber stiffness on these pockets. No one. They are exactly what I wanted, and the Speardiver snorkel is great, too. Super comfortable small mouthpiece, and nice and flexible, without being too "floppy", for lack of a better word.

    Thanks again, Dan! :thumbsup2:

    Bought this mask a while ago, and it's never quite fit me right. Still in near new shape. Only worn twice, and I get a lot of leakage from the upper lip, probably because of my big Polish nose.

    Looking for $50, I'll take care of the shipping, or I really need a square notch shaft, preferrably 9/32" and hawaiian flopper, about 140cm(for a 110). Thanks, guys.

    Cause he gives me some pretty serious wood! ;) The story behind this gun is that I have visited Phil a few times from Georgia in the last year, and every time I went in his garage, he had this blank hanging up in the corner, collecting dust. I asked him about it and he said "I didn't like the way it came out. The grain is a little off, and I just kinda forgot about it." So I asked him to throw it together as a cheap beater gun. Yes, this is a Herranen beater gun. :) It measures out to just about 110 cm, is made from paduk and I think teak, but Phil will know better than I do, will shoot a 7mm shaft with 2 9/16" bands. The handle is Phil's new molded epoxy design, which removes with a single screw for travel. And since I asked nice enough, he threw some glow in the dark powder in the clear epoxy of the handle, so I can find the gun, when all the small fish I shoot drag the gun back into a cave. When I have a chance to shoot it(hopefully before I deploy in September), I'll let you guys know how it handles. This is my second gun from Phil, and they've both been superb. I couldn't see shooting anything else now. Enjoy, I know I'm gonna!

    Dan, just thought that you should know that FII just posted on Facebook earlier this morning about having a quality wetsuit, and Pursuit was on their list of brands that they recommended. Pretty awesome piece of advertising if you ask me!

    FII (Freediving Instructors International)
    Whats the single most important piece of equipment? A high quality wetsuit! We highly recommend a open cell inner/high stretch nylon outer 2 piece such as the FIT 45, Yazbeck, Pursuit, Beuchat Prestige, Omer or Elios.

    Are you running the "bro deal" on this one as well? :)

    *Edit- and is it already available? Everything I've seen on Deeper Blue led me to believe that it was still in beta testing.

    I'd be very interested to hear what you have to say about training. I'm trying to go into the course with an open mind and not be the guy that thinks I already know how to do it, but anything else I can take in, I most certainly will.