Welcome aboard brother.
Posts by 75th
You just never know where a funny thread'll appear... This is a good one! ...layers... This guy's a character alright!
Something to match Thumper, do doubt!
AWESOME gun Steve!! A work of art and a labor of love. May it kill countless fish.
I stopped watching them because they're usually a real let-down on the show. Did they finally grow balls & follow through on all the tough talk? That'd been worth watching.
Good find. Dammit, even with holes in it, it looks sexy! I can't explain it. The whole idea of a zodiac kicks ass. It holds a special place in our hearts, I guess.
Btw, if anyone wants to know, this is one bad-ass flashlight. Regardless of winning it, knowing how capable it is compared to surefires and streamlights, it's obvious that this flashlight (torch, sorry) is insanely underpriced for what it is... dang near free.
-Beam has a well-focused INSANELY BRIGHT spot & a WIDE flood at the same time;
-Housing is very well machined/robust w/ rear sealed by main seal PLUS THREE o-rings;
-Lens well recessed/protected from scratches/well shrouded against glare;
-Lanyard attachment is very user-friendly (& the included lanyard is a good, grippy one);
-Batteries are 3 volt CR123A's (2ea), as opposed to 1.5v AA or AAA (CR123's allow more power, longer life, now easily found & more affordable than in years past);
-Magnetic switch is a nice LONG THROW, so it does NOT flick on ON ITS OWN (something that I've experienced with other lights' switches: very frustrating to wonder how long it's been on & you always blame yourself);
-Size: although it's not small enough to get lost amongst other gear, it's not huge or heavy either. It fits in the hand well, simply put... & it's SIMPLE, as a light should be.It's a testament to Dan's usual high standards and great pricing... another example of the selectiveness as to what ends up as one of Dan's offerings. Rest assured, it's always quality and a value not found anywhere else. The guy's OCD like that, so trust in his gear is well rewarded in the water, where it matters.
Anyway, thought I'd do a little gear review. THANKS DAN!
Holy cow, what a great idea Don! F'n DITTO from me! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AARON!!!
Thanks for serving in the cold, because I'd probably be bitching about it if I were there. I'll sweat my balls off, but I really have a hard time getting out of bed in the cold, feet freezing from standing around in the cold, hitting my frozen-ass fingers in the cold, nose running in the cold, freezing my balls off in the cold, etc. etc. Thanks man! I owe you.
Thank guys! I'm callin' Dan to go pick it up! I just shore dove here and upon entering, almost lost a C90 fin while distracted re-tying a knot on the dive flag. I took it one out of the bungees to put it on when I noticed the loose line. A wave must've bumped it off and I didn't notice it as it slid off to the bottom. I had to look a little while for it, too. It nearly made me sick to my stomach, thinking, "IDIOT!!" Lesson learned! STOP THE DROP! Haha! :thumbsup5:
Anyway, it's off to Dan's! Then it's back in the water. Hopefully, it won't be too late and the wind won't pick up any more than it is already. What a day! -And it's not even happy hour yet! :toast2: I'm serious, if anyone wants to come down here to LaudyByTheSea (Commercial), PM me. The wife'll buy you your first drink.
WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!! Honest to God, this the first time I've ever won a raffle!! Don't get me wrong, I've gotten lucky once or twice, but never have I won a raffle or on a slot machine. I'm stoked, because I'm totally gonna use the 220 lumens, not just for my gynacology practice, either. Dark holes can be sooky, right? Who KNOWS what's in there or if it's got bad intentions, right? I mean you wanna KNOW there's really a fish in there or not, right! THANKS DAN!!! I'll call you in a minute.
We're staying another night at Eastward Strand Resort here @ Laudy by the Sea. If anyone wants to check out their their hot girlfriend with 220 lumens, PM me. We'll be partying here tonight. Since I won, I'll buy you a drink. Her too! You'll need to buy her the other two. Fair dinkum, mate!
And I can't believe nobody's mentioned it, but the guy's got free beer! What else is there to say? I'm thirsty now.
And who doesn't love dogs, too? I'll tell you who. AL QEAIDA, that's who!
Welcome Chris! As far as the footpockets go, Dan put together an in-depth thread on the subject. Have you read it? Do you have flat-ish feet? If so, the Pathos would be great for you. They're on the light duty side but they ARE crazy light. The best thing to do is try on the different brands if you get the chance. I have H. Dessaults and I'm happy with them. I have average feet, I'd say. The hardness,softness of the rubber is a factor, too.
Privjet, Don! Ok, I'm finally checking out your thread that I haven't seen in so many months (working long hours). Wahla! Perfectionism at its finest! Progress, too! Water is actually ON the boat. One small step for Thumper, one giant leap for us. I'm just messing with you Don. We'll stick with you to see you get the boat ON the water. Keep up the good work brother!
Right on Don! Med firmness C90's are way flexible. I was using Omer Millenium blades and Sporasub blades (both plastic) and I can see swimming is gonna be way different. We have the same footpockets! I've got them in two different sizes, too. I got to watch Dan in person fit the blades to my footpockets (coolness), which was when YOU came up in discussion with how skilled YOU are with YOUR hands... ANIMAL! -which, since I've been in nuclear stupidia so long, led me to ask about the progress of Thumper the magic covert ops boat... not done yet... Anyway, I shouldn't derail this thread. I need to check out your Thumper thread now.
Islamorada is awesome! The air is warm and lazy with warm ocean all around: paradise! The wife and I like the restaraunts there, too.
Hi Rick, welcome to the forum!
Yeah, I noticed the Peter avatar, too. He almost looks classy. Haha!
I also noticed the awesome literary skills, too. Great job man! It's good to see and yes, Elliott, it IS noticed by others, even though it's not mentioned.
As for you living where you do, YOU BASTARD!!! Just kidd'n... but no, really.
Welcome Bill. Just in case you didn't know it, you're what's known as "a character". This world needs more like you... so I don't always get stared at like I'm nuts. :rolleyes1: Share the wealth, I say!
Welcome! You've definitely stumbled upon the friendliest and most down to earth spearfishing/freediving forum and the very best kept secret in quality spearo-designed, made, tested and prized gear. You can't go wrong here.
Welcome. I used to live in Aptos/Rio del Mar... Watsonville, too (but don't tell anyone). That'll be our lil secret, so don't go putting that like on the internet or anything, ok? Just you and me, buddy... right here... eye2eye, ok?
Welcome aboard! My foot's a 10-10.5 and I just got a pair of Speardiver carbon fiber fins yesterday. If you're the same size, you can try them out while I use your garas and help with ga$!
Make it soon b4 I drive back to Tallahassee again, though!