WTF Olympics?

  • I ended up getting a bad ear infection and have been glued to the Olympics and work.

    I’m seated here watching “Race Walking 31miles” WTF how did this ever become an Olympic sport?
    -they are judged on them keeping form. Such as keeping legs straight.:hi:

    There's something very wrong in the process when events such as this and "ping pong"... are in there and mma and others are not.

    Edited once, last by LOMartin ().

  • I think you're talking about speed walking? I used to wonder about it myself. The distinction is that when running there's a point throughout the movement where both feet are not touching the ground. The rule with speed walking is that one foot must always be in contact with the ground. Try doing it fast and you will see that it necessitates the weird posturing you see them do. I don't think it's a natural thing to do as we're designed to break into a run at a certain point. But it's good exercise and not easy, good for saving the impact on the knees for people who have that problem running. It does funny weird though..

  • Yeah its speed walking, but the Olympic people call it race walking.
    I understand the reasoning behind there funky posturing.
    But I don’t understand how some of these events are even in the Olympics.

    To me the Olympics started as a place where the world’s best warriors and people that could push there body’s the most would come to compete, yet having every event have its practical side in real world. Running, swimming, sealing, bow’s, javelin throw, fighting, etc. They all go back to being a warrior and such. Not two people playing ping pong.. . I think it’s just gone very far from where it started.

  • That was interesting. Matos lost a lot more than the match. Athletes of this caliber get special treatment in Cuba, now it's all over for him and his coach. They might as well defect but China is communist too :dumb:

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