Offshore Adventures

  • I love watching Offshore Adventures on the Outdoor Channel. I was looking at Brett Mcbridge and Chris Fisch's speargun reel. The reel they have are huge! I mean huge. I look all over the internet trying to find some big reel and I couldnt. Does anyone know what reels they were using on the show. i've seen one youtube video of a freediver with a gigantic reel diving in japan on some oil rigs.

  • You had me confused. On another thread you were asking which snorkel to get which led me to believe you're a beginner freediver. Turns out you hunt bluewater using floats and are now making the move to hunting inside the rigs. I don't know if it's true that a reel is essential to freedive the rigs, maybe Griswold can confirm? It doesn't change the fact that it's for advanced divers and dangerous for beginners. I realize this doesn't help you with your original question, but I felt compelled to give you a heads up.

  • You had me confused. On another thread you were asking which snorkel to get which led me to believe you're a beginner freediver. Turns out you hunt bluewater using floats and are now making the move to hunting inside the rigs. I don't know if it's true that a reel is essential to freedive the rigs, maybe Griswold can confirm? It doesn't change the fact that it's for advanced divers and dangerous for beginners. I realize this doesn't help you with your original question, but I felt compelled to give you a heads up.

    I have floats to use for bluewater and have used it a couple times, but am not experienced at all with bluewater diving. I'm most scuba diving but I like to freedive 1st half of trip and scuba 2nd half. I have 2-30L rounded floats and a 75ft floatline. If i had it my way i'd love to use the floats and floatline in the rig but they would be brutally cut up and ripped with the strong currents that we experience quite frequently offshore in louisiana.

  • yeah is there a particular reason you want such a beast reel?

    oh i dont want one but i couldnt figure out what type of reel they were using. search the internet and couldnt find them. they look like good quality reel. Maybe a good bluewater reel for hoos and yf.

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