what kind of snake??

  • this was on my dad's yard in a tree, then it went into the water...he has seen it 2 or 3 times

    China V.I.P

  • Boa Constrictor, I used to have one back in the day, lovely snakes once they have been tamed down bit. Not supposed to be in South Florida.

  • no way, you're kidding right? this was in the canal in the back yard, about 3' long...

    China V.I.P

  • Those can get pretty big but I don't think they grow as fast or get as big as the Burmese Pythons

  • Something I found,

    The Brown Watersnake is a good climber and can be found 20 feet up in trees, though it is most frequently seen basking on tree limbs that extend above the water. When frightened by a rapidly approaching boat, it will escape by jumping off the limb into the water. Occasionally its attempt to flee comes too late and they fall not into the water, but into the boat.

    Davie Peguero

  • They keep saying that there are good snakes and bad snakes, the good ones eat rats and are helpful .. mmm for me the only good snake is the dead snake, I can always buy rat poison ..:D

    I'm a Speardiver, not a freediver

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