
  • Quote

    Can the schoolmasters carry ciguatera over there?

    I've heard that for many snapper species here but my hormiguero is growing very healthy.:;

  • Don't trust the ants. I've got ciguatera 3 times since I'm living in Puerto Rico. None of those legends is true....

    Mi "ciguatest" now is trying a little bit of any "suspicious" fish. I feel the simptoms in about 4 hours... (cagazón, cansancio y picazón en manos y pies). They last one day.

    My older son was very sick from ciguatera two years ago with amberjack. Now, I don't take any chances. I got sick with barracuda (the worst and was just a 4 pounder), hogfish (very big one) and King mackerel (huge, 50 pounder).

    The curious thing is that other people ate that mackerel without any simptoms, but since I already carry the toxine in my body, I got sick (I'm still sick).

    This is the beast, taken by my pal Fernando:

    BTW, Schoolmasters are not into the "suspicious" list. ;)

    Marco Melis

    A bad day fishing is ALWAYS better than a good day at work.

  • Marco, Cig is a topic many are interested in. Do you and Straight Shaft mind if I split this into its own thread?

    In Bahamas the natives call a schoolmaster "the barber", known to carry cig.

    I agree with everything you said, that's how I do it. I don't argue any more with Cubans telling me about the ants or the cats or whether the fish was fighting hard. It's all BS by me. The only thing I'm not sure about is if cig can be localized in a part of the body of a big fish. This is why I eat a piece from the back and the front of the fish when I have a doubt.

  • Marco, listen to me please! Do not eat any more fish for the next year! The ciguatera toxin will eat you up in no time. Just swing by my place and hand me all the fish you spear. I'm just a concerned fellow spearo.:;

  • Marco, listen to me please! Do not eat any more fish for the next year! The ciguatera toxin will eat you up in no time. Just swing by my place and hand me all the fish you spear. I'm just a concerned fellow spearo.:;

    Ok. I will! :thumbsup2::laughing3:

    BTW, the highest concentration of the toxin can be found in the interiors as liver (which most don't eat) and roe (eggs), which I used to eat.

    The flesh should be all the same. I just take a less than an inch piece and that's enough for me to realize if the fish can be eaten (by Julio) or not.

    Marco Melis

    A bad day fishing is ALWAYS better than a good day at work.

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