See next post.

TOBAGO apr.2010 nice size BARRACUDA
the water is nice these days, so we taking advantage. went out yesterday, find some nice schoolmasters and some black jack. and these two nice size barras came in a little too close to check me out .
all the best, stay safe.... -
Nice fish tinu. Those are good size cuda for anywhere. I swear looking at the closeup of the head I got a whiff of that distinctive smell.
When you're done diving do you always take the bands out of the slot? Do you find it helps preserve them?
great looking cudas, thanks for sharing the pics
i also have a couple questions..
is that the warped riffe cos it looks bent as hell in the picture
also, on the right I see a queen triggerfish, those are protected here, are they good eating?
LB, it occurred to me too about the warped Riffe and that may be the gun, but I've seen this kind of "warpage" due to distortion by the camera lens.
Queen triggerfish are the same as ocean triggerfish as far as cleaning, yield, texture of the meat and taste.
lunker buster,
you make me really laugh. when i check the pic again, it really looked liked that gun is bend like hell.
but actually that is the brand new second hand riffe comp.3x that i got a month ago.
but this is probably how my bend riffe comp.4x really look. i only using the bend one for back up.
the comp.3x doing the work pretty well as you can see.
the queen trigger is famous eating here, evn more then the oceantrigger.
but for its taste the most famous is the black trigger. is it called black durgeon or so ?
hey dan, about the rubbers. i find they getting really sticky, the rubber almost dissolving when i leave them in the muzzle. i never took much care of them, sometimes dont even wash the gun with freshwater when going out the next day. but recenly i started pulling them out, rinse, and wipe them with silicon grease at the part where they touching each other in the muzzle. think it helps. -
Not sure about the silicone grease, any man made compound may have the potential to unmake another man made compound. If you want a sure way for your bands to keep a long time put them in the fridge. That's where all my bulk rubber material is.
Black durgon!? In Cuba they really stink from what I remember, and never get to any decent size. How big do they get by you tinu?
How do you like the C3? It's a big jump from the C3 to the C4 because from what I remember the C4 stock is not only longer it's also significantly thicker. I think the C3 is a great gun but sometimes it feels like I'd want a little more range, but the heaviness of the C4 is a big minus so I'd stick with the C3. Actually there's no reason why a wood gun can't be as long as a C4 but have the same slim stock as the C3. That's basically the gun I build for myself.
the silicon grease seems to help. but again, i dont mantain my rubbers much, i tend to just use them hardcore until they done, and get new ones. if a new one last 3 month without a bigger problem, thats good enough for me.
and you right about the black trigger. the guts smell really stink. they dont get big. 2-2.5 pounds.
but once cooked, taste nice.
and you right again about the comp 3x, i miss a little range now and then. so i just use shorter rubbers. -
I am always impressed with your catches my friend, I thought you did all that with a bent gun and I was really blown away
On the riffe 3x pictured above I see 3x 5/8" bands? What length do you cut them to?
I have always used two 5/8" bandscut very short. I would be interested in trying outthe 3x 5/8".
Larry O M. . .Also!!!! What's that writing on the boat?
hey lomartin,
i cant tell you how long these rubbers, i just cut them by feeling. and anytime they start to cut around the tyingline i just shorten them again, until they definetely getting to short. see the blue rubber on the gun ?
that one was already to short, so i gave it an extra long wishbone.
the writing on the boat says : YOUTHMAN ON THE RISE -
Nice catch! You keep doing pushups!
Last week, I had to clean 8 black triggers my older son got. They were a PITA to clean, but were great eating. Better than other triggers because the meat was more tender.
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