• Hi - I am a 54 year old freediver (I do some scuba as well) from Oregon. Started freediving when I was 14 and learned by reading books about ear clearing and mask squeeze and other matters. One I recall was entitled "The Skin Diver" by Elgin Campi. Found it in a school library. That's how I got started.

    Did not even know of anybody else who even knew how to freedive for years while I was growing up. Finally met some folks that introduced me to the ocean and have been going ever since.

    I dive fresh water and salt; my ocean diving is off Newport, Oregon and the Mendicino coast in California. I am looking to listen and learn from my fellow freedivers. I have two adult sons that I raised freediving who are my buddies and fellow spearos.


    nec timor nec temeritas (neither fear nor foolhardiness.)

  • Thanks. Looking forward to lots of good interaction. The school of hard knocks has high tuition, way better to learn those lessons through others. Glad for people to talk to here.

    nec timor nec temeritas (neither fear nor foolhardiness.)

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