RIBs and punctures from fish

  • I've heard it before but I'm finding out the hard way that fish teeth and/or spines can and will puncture the inflatable tubes of a RIB. In my case I can't be sure if it was the teeth or the dorsal spines, but I had two tiny punctures about 1/2" apart.

    On my boat the tubes are PVC. Punctures are not difficult to repair, but good prep work is a must for a solid repair and can be time consuming, and a boat full of patches is not a pretty sight. Essentially a patch is glued on to repair a puncture. I found some good glue at a local RIB repair shop, $40 for a small can with a tube of curing agent. Used carefully this glue will last for a few small repairs. The white PVC material is surprisingly expensive.

    I'm also posting this as a heads up for anyone coming on my boat to handle fish carefully. Most fish have strong sharp spines on their dorsal fins. It is best if they're dispatched in the water and go directly from the water into the cooler. One of the disadvantages of a RIB I suppose.

  • Yes it is.

    Hypalon is mainly used as an exterior coating for inflatable boats worldwide, as it has the best properties for resisting abrasion, extreme temperatures, UV degradation, ozone, gasoline, oil, chemicals, and environmental factors like mildew and fungus. When manufacturers use neoprene as the interior coating the blended fabric only gets better. The neoprene increases strength and tear resistance and provides the ultimate in air holding ability. Hypalon coated onto polyester or nylon fabric with an interior coating of neoprene is the most reliable and durable inflatable boat fabric available and can last for more than a decade even in the harshest environments —which is the reason for warranties of five and 10 years. Inflatables with external protective coatings of Hypalon have been chosen for the toughest duty by the U.S. Military and Coast Guard.

  • can one paint or sew or glue hypalon on the tubes or at least on the interior(the side facing into the boat, not the inside of the tube itself) of the tubes?
    cost? weight?

    i like to spear fish

  • Hello Dan, small spine punctures could be repaired with Crazy glue. Deflate partially the ballons and apply directly to the puncture. Use a needdle to push some glue into the puncture. Give it a shot! ;)

    Marco Melis

    A bad day fishing is ALWAYS better than a good day at work.

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