Nice looking wetsuit :)

  • i removed hood and got it fit for my neck. I don't like hoods if i don't need one but i wear a neoprene hat that has my camera mount.

    Wetsuit is super soft, easy to get into and easy to come off.

  • Thank you Harry, and nice gag.

    Jason, all Pursuit wetsuits come with a hood. I don't like a hood myself, I feel isolated from the environment and can't get over it even if I put holes where the ears are. I Also don't get cold in the head area. So I cut the hood off on my suit too, it's easy to do and the area where the neoprene was cut doesn't deteriorate. In my particular case the seal around the neck remained good once the hood was gone. In Harry's case he needed a little alteration to tighten the neck area, maybe because it was cut too low. If I remember correctly it cost him $20 at a local wetsuit repair shop, but it's something that can be DIY with good neoprene glue. It makes sense then to have the wetsuits made with hoods and whoever doesn't like the hood can simply cut it off.

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