Broward launching ramps

  • Port Everglades - 15th St. Ramp

    Location: SE 15 Street. Ft Lauderdale.
    Condition: Good, 2 double ramps.
    Notes: 24 hr. metered parking, washdown. This is one of the busiest ramps in Broward.
    ► Driving Instructions
    Exit I-595 east, then north on US1, then east on 17th Street Causeway, then north on Cordova, then east on 15TH Street. Ramps are near the end of the street just before 15th Street Fisheries / Lauderdale Marina.
    Waterway: Seminole River, near the ICW and just north of Port Everglades.

  • That's a good one if you want to get an early start (pre 7 am), see some hookers on the way, and clean your gear at the ramp. For some reason I dont like it much, too open and usually a bad element hanging around. I prefer John U LLoyd, feels more safe and less hassle, even though you have to hide the guns.

    Davie Peguero

  • I've been there before and it didn't seem so bad but I'll keep your words in mind. It's closer for us too coming from the north. Parking is a bitch though. The best way to do it is to coordinate a meeting at the Publix on 17th and Cordova and leave all the cars except for the trailering vehicle there.

  • That place was pretty much a dump when we used to launch there. Guys fishing all over the dock, bunch of drunks laying in the grass, and rotting bait all over the sidewalk and cleaning table. Also if you're an rpm over idle expect a screaming lecture from one of the officers.

    We would coordinate at the shopping center across 17th street, more parking space and less likely to be towed.

    Davie Peguero

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