HELP!!! blank lamination fail

  • A couple of comments to add to this. In the original post there is mention of acetone. I try not to use that unless necessary. I believe Riffe had some delamination problems a while back due to acetone. I use my air compressor and make sure there is no sawdust or anything left on the wood before epoxying. This ensures the wood does not have any solvent to mess with your epoxy mix. Additionally, I did not see too much mention of filler. For laminating I see filler as a must.

    Dave, regarding your question on how much pressure is too much I keep going until there is minimal pressure. If you are trying to tighten your clamps and you are using force, that is too much. You don't want to squeeze out your epoxy, otherwise, you end up with gaps that you won't necessarily see which means a weaker bond and possible delamination problems in the future.

    how much the 403 filler 150 gram can give you epoxy to mayonnaise shape? I mean 150 gram fiber = X mL mayonnaise epoxy ?
    my question for estimate the quantity I need to purchase online

  • how much the 403 filler 150 gram can give you epoxy to mayonnaise shape? I mean 150 gram fiber = X mL mayonnaise epoxy ?
    my question for estimate the quantity I need to purchase online

    From the data sheet:[INDENT]
    A one-to-one addition of 403 Microfibre Blend (in terms of bulk volume) to WEST SYSTEM resin/Hardener mix, is suitable to produce a structural adhesive for wood

  • I am sorry, I do not have an exact amount to give you for a ratio. I can say I have the 20oz can and it is plenty. I've done two blanks with this one and haven't gone through a quarter of the container.

  • Tu amigo quizás confundió la resina con cola de carpintero expansiva, la foto es COLA POLIURETANO LIQUIDO PU para madera
    (hay varios fabricantes)
    este adhesivo no necesita catalizador es resistente al agua salada y ambientes marinos, solo hay que limpiar con acetona
    las partes a unir.
    Te puedo garantizar que se romperá antes la madera, que abrirse por la union, la espuma se quita con una espátula o cúter es muy blanda.

  • I have used poly long time before and gun success but i have to pay more dollar to the planner because no gap or tolerance is allow tight clamp is a must and if not delamination will occur however epoxy can fill any gap with sufficient results .

  • I have used poly long time before and gun success but i have to pay more dollar to the planner because no gap or tolerance is allow tight clamp is a must and if not delamination will occur however epoxy can fill any gap with sufficient results .

    If the wood is completely well brushed you have no problem
    Another thing is that you pass a sandpaper and have imperfections.
    Epoxy paste filler, but much epoxy over time does not withstand expansion and movement of wood, it can break epoxy.

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