Tuna Season

  • i know but was my first video, the next ones will be better, also the mess with my float line and bungee, improving that to.

  • i know but was my first video, the next ones will be better, also the mess with my float line and bungee, improving that to.

    Ya it takes time in the water with the things to get better. I still get messed up footage all the time. I will be wearing mine tomorrow. Should be fun. Keep the videos coming we enjoy them.:D


  • Cool vid Doc, great action music....I can dance to.:thumbsup2:
    I have been dreaming of all the blue water south of the border.

    Cheers, Don

    "Great mother ocean brought forth all life, it is my eternal home'' Don Berry from Blue Water Hunters.

    Spearfishing Store the freediving and spearfishing equipment specialists.

  • Carnal, éste año si se te va a hacer tu cañón de leña de mínimo 4 ligas para que no se te vaya ni uno! La mejor de las suertes hermanito, vas a ver como este año será de grandes pescas en el Azul.

    Dias soleados y aguas azules para tí siempre bro.

    Chingón el video. Algún día tendré la oportunidad y el honor de compartir una cacería contigo.

    Un abrazo

    I'm a Speardiver, not a freediver

  • i know but was my first video, the next ones will be better, also the mess with my float line and bungee, improving that to.

    Todo se ira mejorando poco a poco DOC, es normal quedar hecho un culo:D con el floatline cuando se pelea/domina un buenbicho:rolleyes1: yo no tengo evidencia grafica de mis enredos si no te sentiriass mucho mejor.


    Sadot Hernàndez.

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