Stop touching me! Your not my doctor

  • Its been a second since I last posted. I have been way to busy with training and restoring my 1964 mini van. To make this short story longer, I made it out last night with another first time night diver but no stranger to water. Ended up at our dive destination at 2030 with a 4+ high tide, water warmer than the air and a mellow surge with no swell. Worked my butt off for the first 4 lobsters that were all solid legals (the ones you know you don't even have to measure). The next 3 came quickly but after some rough intercourse. I found a nasty little man hole that lead to monster dinosaur looking lobster. I've seen these bastards before but always deep down in those death traps where they just sit safely and probably laugh at us for even dreaming about getting back there. This was my first up close encounter with one of this size. I ended up stiff arming the freak up against the wall and then was challenged with un-snagging my light from some boulders on my left side (required some manual moving of boulders single handedly) at which point I had two handfuls of this dude. Thats when he started acting up kicking like hell as if he could out dead lift or back squat me at the training grounds. One dirty thing lead too another and I ended up on the surface with him trying to snap all my fingers off in his butt. Made a 3 point shot straight into the boat with him and went back for his minions; at which point I called it a night since I had an early muster for a shoot today. Just in time for Feliz Navidad.

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