Long Beach Neptunes Annual Auction 04/04/12 1900 hours

  • This just in........

    Keith K. (Kodiak Pro Flow 14 G bait tank)

    Don from M & B Wetsuits (6 knife pockets sewn into existing wetsuits)

    Byron Q (100' of bungie, Viper V5 fins (Size 11))

    Danny M (UK SL4 LED dive light, Bianchi belt w/ holster for Glock, 2 mag pouches & S&W handcuffs)

    Ted H (Vintage Dive Gear) easy Don Paul!!!

    Mori (Misc items and 1 Vintage 1970 Scramble Meet Poster)

    We'll also be sellingthis years BWM t-shirts hot off the press

    T's Sm-XL $15 XXL $20
    L/S T's Med-XL $20 XXL 25
    Hoodies L-XL $35 XXL $40

    This year's design is courtesy of a great photo taken by Dam Nguyen & Chris Oak. We pretty much duplicated their photo into a drawing for our shirts. Thanks again for the inspiration and approval...Here's a rough idea of what the back will look like minus the color bars at the top.......Hope to see veryone there

  • Awesome! Stoked on the design. I guess it's time to retire my 2005 bwm hoodie..


    Long Beach Neptune

    USCG 50GT

  • What a great night! Standing room only, a seamingly endless supply of deals, a 50/50 raffle worth over $500 (take home), saw a ton of friends and made some new ones!
    Big thanks to everyone who generously donated to the auction:thumbsup2: My wallet is alot lighter this morning :D


  • What a great night! Standing room only, a seamingly endless supply of deals, a 50/50 raffle worth over $500 (take home), saw a ton of friends and made some new ones!
    Big thanks to everyone who generously donated to the auction:thumbsup2: My wallet is alot lighter this morning :D

    Seems like every other purchase was to you! Did you pick up the Omer ET 85?

    Big thanks from your donations Scott!

    I was able to pick up $100 in gift certificates for an esearider beanbag for $30! Gotta love 70% off!! :thumbsup2:


    Long Beach Neptune

    USCG 50GT

  • That was a fun event. I didn't get anything at the auction but I bought a nice shirt and I met some new friends too. Next year I will have to come more prepared with a fatter wallet and get there earlier too.

  • Yeah, I got the Omer! I'm pretty stoked on that. Did a quick search for prices this morning and found it from $449-$499 with reel (I didn't get a reel), so $275 was a great deal!!
    When the easyrider gift certs hit, my wallet was on "E" otherwise you might of had some comp there :D J/K


  • Nice!! I was stoked on the gift certs. When they came up I was hesitant, but a quick search on my phone, I found out that the one I like only goes for $100, so I got a steal as well!

    Long Beach Neptune

    USCG 50GT

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